In the top picture, the two screws with the springs under them at the front left corner of the picture are the mixture screws. The one closest the air intake is the high speed. That looks like it has a 1/2" venturi. In gas RC racing, the most popular 1/2" carb is the Walbro WT-157. It sells new for about $50. There is another 1/2" Walbro, I think it's a WT-644 that comes stock on the new G-260 and G-231 Zenoahs. It has a choke on it. A lot of guys replace them with the the 257 so the 644 is being resold new or nearly new for around $25. Check with Midwest engines, he might have some of those to sell. On the 257, the needles set at Low, 2-1/4 turns, High, 7/8 turn. The model number is stamped on the side of the carb body opposite the side where the needles are. Bad things often happen when you bore out a Walbro carb's venturi; I don't recommend that. Echos are well built and durable engines that don't tend to be as fast as the Zenoah but are great to play with. Does yours get enough air to cool it without a fan and shroud? I guess in the blower installation, the air going to the blower was drawn over the cylinder fins. I would think if you did any mods to it, you would need to go to water cooling.