Thanks for checking out those graph results Hugh.
To bring up th N/A values is a simple mouse click. The graph's x-axis is time, and it is the amount of time between the last time data was deleted to the last time it was turned off. but it is easy to zoom in on any area of the graph to fill the screen and see the data more clearly.
Since that run, I have tried 2 larger props than the x450.
with an x452 the amps went up about 30 amps on average, average rpm went down from 26,500 to 25,000 but the ESC temp rise rate was much faster. during two 40 second runs one with each prop, the x450 started with ESC temp at 120 and went to 130, with x452 temp went from 115 to 150. top speed was similar, but acceleration was weaker.
I ran a 1450 for about 15 seconds and the power and speed were weak. battery voltage stayed steady, but amp draw steadily went from 120 to 80 amps, watts had almost identical dropoff slope during the run. although RPM was steady at about 27,500.
I have some poorly shot video of a run with the x450, because i taped a camera-phone to the transmitter, and tried to drive and record video simultaneously. But you can get an occasional glimpse of the boat. I'm not sure of the top speed but I DO NOT believe it is near 70mph which is what I would like to have.