Hi Guys, I would like to socialize an idea around our current outboard classes.
Currently we run 2 classes.
A/OB Tunnel (in any .21 engine configuration, stock, sport or mod) and .
B/OB Tunnel (any .22 to .45 engine configuration, stock, sport or mod).
Clearly the A/OB class is the premier class in Australia, B/OB may get anywhere from 0-5 entries.
I have been thinking about the possibility of perhaps a new class, OPEN O/B Tunnel.
The rules are simple, run anything as long as the hull is a tunnel and the engine is an outboard. Nitro, Gas or Electric.
We currently have rules that forbid cross entry of the same boat in 2 classes, I believe that's a good rule and should stand.
We may have to think about sacrificing the B/OB class, but those boats could run in the open class, along with the electrics and gassers.
What are your thoughts?
Be Kind to Me Guys.
I think that would be a good idea so that there just isnt 3 or 4 in a class, even thou i am not aloud to race until i finish building our house
Only problem is i need to find a tunnel boat for new 13cc kaaboom.
Already have my 7.5mod semipro almost finished
Just one other question,
I have a ts2 with a mac and lawless as power oohh plus a sailsbury pipe (infact its Dave's old boat)
I am in the process of making a few adjustments and cannot seem to get the motor with 0 degree angle.
I have set the height at 1/16 above running surface (is this about right?)
But i cannot seem to be able to level the motor.
Am i doing somthing wrong or should i run it with a little neg angle?