.12 rigger and motor race legal setups


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adam larvenz

Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Feb 3, 2009
Hi every one I am debating on building a legal .12 rigger to race an play . i know JAE riggers r great but every one has one like some other opotions . THANK"S to all on here adam
Hi every one I am debating on building a legal .12 rigger to race an play . i know JAE riggers r great but every one has one like some other opotions . THANK"S to all on here adam
Adam, no matter what boat you build, keep it light and make sure the drive line has very low drag. Shoot for 2 lbs ready to run...a little more is OK, a little less is really OK.

I think there is an eagle .12 version, good luck finding that boat though.

The JAE's are excellent boats and easy to build. I would just go that route and make the very necessary structural upgrades to the kit so that the boat does not fall apart every other race.
The Lightning is an awesome little boat. Very strong and fast. Mark Leyde used to make them - not sure if they are still available.

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I think there is an eagle .12 version, good luck finding that boat though.

The JAE's are excellent boats and easy to build. I would just go that route and make the very necessary structural upgrades to the kit so that the boat does not fall apart every other race.
What??? Mine are built per directions and take major abuse!!
The boats need another bulkhead between the engine and the tank, engine mounts need to be bolted through tub walls like every other rigger has them. As far as I'm concerned every aspect of the kit booms are garbage, unless people are ok with the turn fin moving all over the place and having sponsons fly off. These are just minor changes that don't add any weight to the boat and save tons of hassle.

There's a reason the only people that complain about brass tubes coming out of sponsons are the people that go the brass tube route exactly per the kit instructions.
I honestly have no clue what Jeff is talking about... " Falling Apart".... I dont see that happening.
he brass tube thing works ok,.. it's cheap,.. the biggest issue that make tubes fail is the foam I think.. it's too soft. I have gone back and forth with the brass.. A bigger CF or aluminum tube had worked better for me.. BUT,.. in a .12 boat,. they are so light. I think the brass is fine.. getting bigger,.. that's different!
Hi every one I am debating on building a legal .12 rigger to race an play . i know JAE riggers r great but every one has one like some other opotions . THANK"S to all on here adam
Adam, no matter what boat you build, keep it light and make sure the drive line has very low drag. Shoot for 2 lbs ready to run...a little more is OK, a little less is really OK.

I agree with Glenn here. I have a Jae .12 G2 that weighs about 2.2 lbs race ready and a G3 ultralight that weighs just under 2 lbs. The ultralight launches much easier and pulls a bigger prop. Lighter is better with a .12.

A guy in my club has a cheese .12 from Firefighter boats. They sell the plans for it on their website. I'm not sure how much it weighs but its a fast and competitive little boat.
I honestly have no clue what Jeff is talking about... " Falling Apart".... I dont see that happening.
The way the kits do the booms leaves them incredibly vulnerable to mechanical failures across the board. You can easily minimize the potential failures without adding any significant weight to the boat.

The booms should be put together with some bolts, not collars. Anthony is right about the foam, and the wood that is left over the way the kits do it is not really enough to get a good glue joint with the brass. The sponsons need to be high density foam or have wood blocks glued in the foam where the booms are.
great info i am thinking of the lighting or ff with a nova rossi .12 5 port do i need any engine mods an by whom really thank every one that has answered this post . adam
great info i am thinking of the lighting or ff with a nova rossi .12 5 port do i need any engine mods an by whom really thank every one that has answered this post . adam
Adam, the only mod I recommend on the 12 motor is a carb mod. I do those for $15. You will also want to lower the head clearance for max performance.

Hi glen u been very helpful in this how much for a done up engine and r u going to hobart this weekend . thanks adam
Hey Adam, the motor is $165 and carb mod is $15, and a set of head shims is $4. Shipping is around $13 with insurance, I also have the collets, headers, pipes etc that you will need. If you want to buy the whole package I will do the carb mod and set the head clearance for free.


Try building your own if you want something that not everybody else has. It is amazingly easy to build a .12 from scratch that can be competitive. If you want some basic measurements to get you in the ball park for the CG, sponson AOA, and ideal tub and sponson dimensions for a .12. take a look at some of the plans floating around out there. They will get you into the ball park. After that, make changes that make your rigger handle the way you like it. If you slap in one of Glenn's NR .12s with all the mods done to it, you will be golden. My rigger is completely scratch built. There is nothing out there similar to it. The feeling I get from that is almost as satisfying as winning races. If you have the mechanical ability to build a kit, you can build your own boat with no problems. I've raced my .12 a lot the last 2 years. My boat weighs more than 3 pounds. It wins a lot of races. Being realistic of course, I think in heat racing, being extremely light is a little over rated. Sure it's great if you're out on a mirror like pond running alone, but when you get on race water with 5 other boats, a little size and weight can work to your advantage.
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I don't get to run boats really anymore, but I will tell you Glen's .12 all done up is GOLDEN! I built a JAE. It was the first complete build for me. Easy and held together great. The NR .12 was haning easy with some .21's (mind you they weren't the best set up .21's lol)
Jeremy, you are still kickin, I thought you gave up boats completely. you need to stop by the lake sometime and check out the action. you need to get a boat and get back into it. Rick
I have a firefighter hull and it runs really well the only difference with mine is I have slightly larger sponsons on it.
I agree with Hammerhead.... my boat is like 2.5lbs. Not sure I have ever seen a .12 that was 2lbs or less. I have a gooycheese .12 ... Its a Tom Moorehouse design... works great for me, its getting a little worn and torn now but did go thru the traps in flint with an average speed of 58.666mph.... this is a true heat race boat not a saw boat.

