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  1. Bill-SOCAL

    Where are the FE racers?

    The NAMBA FE NATS are the same weekend. However, we do not have anyone coming from within about 800 miles of Oklahoma City. There are a number of FE racers in Texas, but maybe they are reluctant to travel up to Oklahoma it being a foreign country and all (at least to a Texan). :rolleyes...
  2. Bill-SOCAL

    Steve Reesor's FE4 Out rigger

    Bad move on Steve's part. Beat them like a rented donkey first time out and they won't let you come back to play!! Awesome build. Nasty fast!! I love it!!!
  3. Bill-SOCAL


    I run with the gas guys quite a bit. My 10S mono is as fast, or faster than their open boats. I plan to race my Avenger 10S cat in gas Open at the next race, so we'll see how that goes. Randy, John Fruge' and I had no issues against gas boats at the Gran Prix Classic and Randy raced his 10S...
  4. Bill-SOCAL


    Doug - I am just suggesting that it is an idea worth thinking about. You make a good point. But it is clear that there are people that will want to go the other direction. I am not sure it is needed, or even a good idea, but I do think there is nothing lost in at least thinking about it. It is...
  5. Bill-SOCAL


    Thanks for that clarification Lohring. That could be cleaned up in the rule book and other places, because right now it appears that the Safety Code is what applies with regard to insurance coverage. The safety code makes no mention of power. And just to take it one step farther, using greater...
  6. Bill-SOCAL


    Mark - the interesting thing is that you were completely within the NAMBA Safety Rules. The power limit seems to apply only to defined classes, nothing in the Safety Rules address that. It took me a while to figure that out. Insurance is contingent upon following the Safety Rules and you were. I...
  7. Bill-SOCAL


    Good points. I guess I was taking some of what they said on the website a little too literally. Thanks for helping me to grasp that fact!! The website says you cannot be in violation of the safety rules, but the actual safety regulations make no specific mention of power. So in reality it...
  8. Bill-SOCAL


    Beats me, I was not there so I cannot say. All I can do is guess that the CD allowed it as a special deal or something. But 10S is the NAMBA power limit and as far as I have been told that is what we are restricted to at Legg. Our DIstrict Safety Officer runs at Legg and I know he is pretty...
  9. Bill-SOCAL


    But again, my point is that at Legg at least, we are stuck with the NAMBA max of 10S. That is if we want to stay within what insurance will cover. I go the other way. I think it's cool to see how much performance you can squeeze out of something while working within the existing rules. Too bad...
  10. Bill-SOCAL


    I honestly cannot see the point of setting a boat up that is not legal within the rules of whatever organization you plan to race under. At Legg Lake we are a NAMBA group and you need NAMBA to even run there. Theoretically 10S is the max power you can run at our Lake.
  11. Bill-SOCAL

    Futaba Fasst 2.4 Range

    I had not noticed that. Thanks for pointing it out. I use mine with the PMIX to set a throttle up position for starting my gas engines. I use the DT3 and DT4 for adjusting Dual rate and expo on steering. The other fun feature is the Condition menu. You can set up a second condition actuated by...
  12. Bill-SOCAL

    Futaba Fasst 2.4 Range

    The entire antenna "wire" is about 7 inches, but the antenna itself is much shorter, it is the exposed looking wire at the end. The rest is just small diameter coaxial cable to allow you to get the antenna up and out. And as DOn pointed out, the difference between the two receivers is the FF...
  13. Bill-SOCAL

    4 cell riggers

    And by my logic since I used the same boat it should only be one!! :P
  14. Bill-SOCAL

    4 cell riggers

    No worries. I was looking at them as separate. I can see how it also makes sense to view them together. Either way, an amazing number of records. When you look at it the majority of the records are held by a very small group of dedicated racers. Impressive.
  15. Bill-SOCAL

    4 cell riggers

    Well, for the record, in NAMBA you are tied with Brother Brian Buaas at 5 and 5. In IMPBA Chris Harris holds 6 SAWS records as does Paul Pachmayer. Brian only has 2 IMPBA records and you have 5. So I guess if you add IMPBA and NAMBA together you are right. But I think that is only fair to do if...
  16. Bill-SOCAL

    Futaba Fasst 2.4 Range

    When you say you get interference but not failsafe, how is that?? Failsafe IS the result of interference. What are you observing that makes you believe you are getting interference? You say the throttle trim does not go down low enough. You need to adjust your linkage if you cannot trim low...
  17. Bill-SOCAL

    NATS Attendance

    Duplicate thread. Deleted by author.
  18. Bill-SOCAL

    2008 NAMBA Nitro & Gas Nationals

    Just curious, are there really only 19 entries so far?? Or is the entry list way behind??
  19. Bill-SOCAL

    What to Expect at Legg Lake - NAMBA District 19

    It is indeed a great job by the County Parks Department. Now if they will just get the spa done we'll be set. And yes, SAWS still gets set up off to the right, the extra room that location gives us is badly needed by some of the really fast guys like Mark Grim and Brian Buass!! (and everyone...
  20. Bill-SOCAL

    Radio Question????

    Well like I said I was not 100%. My 3PM manual does not mention a cutoff voltage. And ALL FASST systems are recommended for 6 volts. I know that the 6EX through 14 MZ FASST system uses 3.8 volts. In fact it has been documented that the FASST receivers will not actually reset until 3 volts or so...