PayPal hackers - be careful everyone.


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The hackers are tricky, the email notifications I received contained the Int Waters logo headers giving them the appearance of being legitimate and the questions and answers were typical of any purchase or PP transaction I have ever made.
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sounds like YOU got hacked [and i use the term lightly,,i REALLY dont think civilians are hacked as much as ur passwords are weak and you use a p/c AND your network isnt secure. hackers dont have the time to not be hacking a bank or large business worth millions] tho the real reason for me commenting is because im curious --what questions?? i use paypal once a week on average [3times this week] and i dont get any q and a
sounds like YOU got hacked [and i use the term lightly,,i REALLY dont think civilians are hacked as much as ur passwords are weak and you use a p/c AND your network isnt secure. hackers dont have the time to not be hacking a bank or large business worth millions] tho the real reason for me commenting is because im curious --what questions?? i use paypal once a week on average [3times this week] and i dont get any q and a
Can happen to anyone, I’m a 42 year commercial banker and I was fooled. All I’m saying is make sure you are speaking or communicating with a trusted source and not an impersonator pretending to be a legitimate seller.

Frauds in the financial realm are increasing daily where these hackers are forever evolving their method of attacks.

I too have successfully used PayPal for almost as long as it’s existed and this week was my turn to be targeted.

Stay vigilant everyone.
Just got hacked through PayPal on the purchase transaction for Andy’s mono, trying now to have it stopped.

Be careful everyone, our site has been hacked.
And that's exactly why I rather transact off thread.

All social media and special interest forums are huge targets....and it's only going to get security is through bank to bank, like Zelle, for security, no third party. Virtually all banks are imbedding Zelle into their features.
Still, it's prudent to be careful with whom you transact with.

Best wishes in a speedy, full resolution, Greg.
sounds like YOU got hacked [and i use the term lightly,,i REALLY dont think civilians are hacked as much as ur passwords are weak and you use a p/c AND your network isnt secure. hackers dont have the time to not be hacking a bank or large business worth millions] tho the real reason for me commenting is because im curious --what questions?? i use paypal once a week on average [3times this week] and i dont get any q and a
Encryption, two factor authentication, and a stout VPN service helps.
There are more portals in which they can penetrate, too, then have been mentioned here....a separate acct. within your bank, where you can move exact amounts into for specific transactions, is another option for self financial preservation....attach payment resources to that acct only.
Update - I should have titled this thread PayPal/IW hacker. In my case the issue was that the hacker somehow broke into IW’s, intercepted my and Andy’s notes back and forth to one another and posed as Andy and ultimately provided me erroneous PayPal details and I not knowing otherwise initiated payment via PayPal.

Fortunately the hack came to light very rapidly and while PayPal’s capability to retrieve my money was limited and would be protracted, when reporting the hack to my bank and based on my long term relationship with them they chose to make me whole and refunded my money later that day.

I got lucky here and was fortunate for my bank to value my business such that they simply refunded me and will work with PP in their recovery efforts.

This enabled Andy and I the ability to conclude our deal and outside of IW’s.

Whew, dodged a bullet on this one and a stressful lesson learned.

Be careful everyone and vigilant to protect yourself in this cyber world.
I still haven't gotten over the last time it happened on here a couple years ago. I paid for a os outboard and a zenoah 260pum and the guy was a scammer and I used paypal ff . I never saw a dime back .I lost 500 or so on that one.
You can set up a 2 Factor login for your account here if you want to be more secure.

There is a change button on the top line. Click on it and it changes to the two factor.
Just do as it says, and then you can get an 6 digit code by the method you choose when you log in.

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