JAE-strut choice and installation detail


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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2003
We believe we [JAE] have learned something you all oughta know and consider........ ;)

When chosing and installing the strut on a JAE boat refer to the detail shown below.

If the strut you have has a front extension on the nose,remove that extension.This will allow the strut to

sit down as far as possible on top of the sheeting on the ski bottom.

Typically struts used on surface drive monos do not have that nose extension.

If you raise the strut off the ski bottom a loose raceboat will be the result.
Thanks Rod but kind of a day late possibly. I mounted the stuffing tube last night then put the ski on this morning. I'm using the small Octura strut but I may be OK as I got it as low as I could even with the bullet on. I really hate to take the bullet off as my tube is running into it. If I have to I'd rather grind away anything hitting.
Mr Geraghty

Somewhere on the net I saw a rigger similar to the JAE /JAP and had a skid in place. The one thing that got my attention was that the ski sheeting was cut out for the strut to fit.. could this be done? or do I absolutely have to find a strut without a front or cut off the front of one and figure out how to couple the stuffing box to the strut? im using the .150 cable with 3/16 stub shaft set up.

thanks for any information..


.12 nacho cheese rigger
Mr Geraghty

Somewhere on the net I saw a rigger similar to the JAE /JAP and had a skid in place. The one thing that got my attention was that the ski sheeting was cut out for the strut to fit.. could this be done? or do I absolutely have to find a strut without a front or cut off the front of one and figure out how to couple the stuffing box to the strut? im using the .150 cable with 3/16 stub shaft set up.

thanks for any information..


.12 nacho cheese rigger
I guess I don't know what you mean....give me your phone # in a PM and I will call you.

By the way....."Mr" Geraghty is my dad.........I'm Rod...... :D
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Hey Rod, have you guys done any testing on the distance from the trailing edge of ski to the prop? Is there a reason these should be close? What if you ran the stuffing tube out just past the end of the ski where it pics up the nose of the strut? Or if it is an extended strut. Either way there may be like 3 or 4 inches to the prop. Any info on this? ;)

Larry Jr.
Hey Rod, have you guys done any testing on the distance from the trailing edge of ski to the prop? Is there a reason these should be close? What if you ran the stuffing tube out just past the end of the ski where it pics up the nose of the strut? Or if it is an extended strut. Either way there may be like 3 or 4 inches to the prop. Any info on this? ;)

Larry Jr.
Larry I think its kept close to the skit so the prop doesn't see alot of water hence bigger props, also the father back you take it you loose the riding affect of the skit

Hey Rod, have you guys done any testing on the distance from the trailing edge of ski to the prop? Is there a reason these should be close? What if you ran the stuffing tube out just past the end of the ski where it pics up the nose of the strut? Or if it is an extended strut. Either way there may be like 3 or 4 inches to the prop. Any info on this? ;)

Larry Jr.
Between the four of us there probably have been 15+ different JAE boats built and no [2] of them have had the same prop location in reference to the rear of the ski.

The prop has been everywhere from 1" to 4",and everywhere in between,behind the rear of the ski and the boat just flat doesn't care.

The launching,running and overall handling of the boat doesn't change with prop location behind the ski.

The only thing that is critical in the strut/ski set-up scenario is the strut nose be installed right down on top of the sheeting on the bottom of the ski.

If you raise the strut up off the ski sheeting the boat will appear to be dragging its butt and it will get spooky loose.It will still be fast but the boat will be very loose. :(

Lesson one:Tune motor rpm with prop diameter and pitch not by raising the strut off the ski bottom sheeting. ;)

We learned this with the last .21G2 prototype that I built and Truex has just finished testing.When I built the boat I used a strut that had an extended nose.This was a strut I have had lying around for years.That extended nose raised the bottom of the strut up about .100" off the ski bottom sheeting.[You can see this in the photos I posted of that final prototype.]Martin felt it was this .100" that was making the boat so loose and was making the boat drag its butt.The prop ended up 3+ inches behind the boat with this strut.

We talked and we both agreed we should cut the strut nose off and get that strut bottom back down on top of the ski sheeting.

Martin did that [lowered the strut as show in the sketch] and shazaam the boats butt came up and the boat ran rock solid again.
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I may have missed this but what props were working on the JAE 21 in testing ?

Thanks Tim
DSCF5682.JPGWe have these struts blades at CMDI.

The blade weighs 10 grams (1/3 oz.)

Also have a one piece strut-rudder bracket that should work on the .12 rigger.

These Strut blades are also large enough for most .21 boats.
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Welcome back to I/W, we have missed your knowledge and experience for the last

year it seems. Glad that you are posting again and still bringing out new products.

Good To Have You Back,

Mark Sholund
View attachment 15497We have these struts blades at CMDI.

The blade weighs 10 grams (1/3 oz.)

Also have a one piece strut-rudder bracket that should work on the .12 rigger.

These Strut blades are also large enough for most .21 boats.
Mr. Brown, sorry for being a knucklehead but I'm still pretty new to this. Do you have some form of pushrod seal that fits in the oblonged hole in the mount?
View attachment 15497We have these struts blades at CMDI.

The blade weighs 10 grams (1/3 oz.)

Also have a one piece strut-rudder bracket that should work on the .12 rigger.

These Strut blades are also large enough for most .21 boats.
Mr. Brown, sorry for being a knucklehead but I'm still pretty new to this. Do you have some form of pushrod seal that fits in the oblonged hole in the mount?
View attachment 15497We have these struts blades at CMDI.

The blade weighs 10 grams (1/3 oz.)

Also have a one piece strut-rudder bracket that should work on the .12 rigger.

These Strut blades are also large enough for most .21 boats.
Mr. Brown, sorry for being a knucklehead but I'm still pretty new to this. Do you have some form of pushrod seal that fits in the oblonged hole in the mount?
I know that it is becoming a more common practice lately, but we never build boats where the Transom is a sealing member to the electronics, so I did not design the bracket to do that. However, it is entirely possible to mount a pushrod seal on the inside of the transom.
We believe we [JAE] have learned something you all oughta know and consider........ ;)

When chosing and installing the strut on a JAE boat refer to the detail shown below.

If the strut you have has a front extension on the nose,remove that extension.This will allow the strut to

sit down as far as possible on top of the sheeting on the ski bottom.

Typically struts used on surface drive monos do not have that nose extension.

If you raise the strut off the ski bottom a loose raceboat will be the result.
Hi Rod,

Would't this also mean that using a square drive arrangement is not really an option on a JAE due to the ferrule?

We believe we [JAE] have learned something you all oughta know and consider........ ;)

When chosing and installing the strut on a JAE boat refer to the detail shown below.

If the strut you have has a front extension on the nose,remove that extension.This will allow the strut to

sit down as far as possible on top of the sheeting on the ski bottom.

Typically struts used on surface drive monos do not have that nose extension.

If you raise the strut off the ski bottom a loose raceboat will be the result.
Hi Rod,

Would't this also mean that using a square drive arrangement is not really an option on a JAE due to the ferrule?

I'm sure if you were to massage it enough you could get a square drive to work and still have the prop down as low as needed on

top of the ski sheeting.I just don't see any need to do it. :blink:

I for one am not into complicating the stuffing box installation when I have an option that works very well and is so easy to install.
So from reading this, the Zipkits strut is not the best choice to use?

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