You just gotta smile


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Andy Greene

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2006
Seems like there have been too many hard knocks and shots out of the dark in my life the last few years that really beat me down, my friends that know me - know. This last week has changed me and my life for the better, for sure.Technically its been the last year since the transition began but, Several things going on in my life have had an odd swing that in a round about way, keeps snowballing into a better life for me, I ALMOST feel like the snowball is rolling downhill again :D . Be it work / relationship or just plain old life- I have (we have) gone in a new direction. I do some sh-ty hot hard work most of the time and its funny how I smile when Im doing it now. I guess what I'm saying is- Once I realized what and who I wanted- started living right- and being me , Im a happy camper, the pride is back- look out B)

Life is very short I agree live it to the fullest, after my brothers accident I do think differently about my life and what it does mean to me. I do have regrets about how I have treated him because I don't agree with his lifestyle, I am trying to look past peoples differences even If I don't agree with them. Everyone is different that's what makes us individuals.


Life is very short I agree live it to the fullest, after my brothers accident I do think differently about my life and what it does mean to me. I do have regrets about how I have treated him because I don't agree with his lifestyle, I am trying to look past peoples differences even If I don't agree with them. Everyone is different that's what makes us individuals.

Beau , my family literally fell apart after my mother passed a few years ago- Money made my brothers (3) and I fall apart- literally . We faught - it got nasty , we hated each other. Since then , and other factors in my life- I bit the bullet and reached back out to them. That combined with re-uniting with the the best woman in my life, I have spanned the gap and we are talking/caring/loving each other again- they ARE they only family you have. Treasure it- make the best of their downfalls and qualities you dont admire and keep them to yourself. You will be better for it and your relations will be stronger for it- trust me. I know you have a rough road ahead with your brother- but - be there for him now, he needs ya- this alone will span a gap that couldnt be fixed. If I could hug ya I would man, I know its tough right now, like I said before- BE STRONG he needs you more than ever bro.

after we talked last night drew, i felt like i had talked to someone much happier about their life & it's direction than the last few times ;) ..........
Andy, it simply couldnt happen to a nicer guy....the most important thing you can do is to recognize your blessings.....and obviously you have....karma man...karma! Keep it going as you have alot to be thankful for. Family and friends are the most important thing there is in this amount of money or stuff even comes close! your friend, Bill :)
Andy, it simply couldnt happen to a nicer guy....the most important thing you can do is to recognize your blessings.....and obviously you have....karma man...karma! Keep it going as you have alot to be thankful for. Family and friends are the most important thing there is in this amount of money or stuff even comes close! your friend, Bill :)
No truer words have been spoken my good friend, between you Foley/Randy/ and so many others I consider family here- You guys kept my head right when I needed it most , realize it or not. That I thank you for, all of you, you know who you are B)