Wyoming is Fighting Back


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Climate change is REAL, always and forever. HOWEVER the information you are being fed regarding it is political.

thinking that we can STOP IT, slow it or adjust it, is complete insanity. (again your being lied to for a political agenda)

I cannot.. for the life of me.. understand how people can not see this... i just dont understand.....

NOBODY has put forth a "Good" argument that WE are the cause and that WE can slow or stop it..

Cheers all!


Exactly. The arrogance it requires to think we can influence this massive machine that we are hurtling through space on is staggering. I suppose we could hop off the train, run around behind the caboose and push, and expect to change the speed of the train.

Whatever this big ol' rock and big ol' fireball in the sky have in store for us is what we shall endure. We are along for the ride. Period.

Thanks. Brad.
Titan Racing Components
BlackJack Hydros
Model Machine and Precision LLC
Climate change is REAL, always and forever. HOWEVER the information you are being fed regarding it is political.

thinking that we can STOP IT, slow it or adjust it, is complete insanity. (again your being lied to for a political agenda)

I cannot.. for the life of me.. understand how people can not see this... i just dont understand.....

NOBODY has put forth a "Good" argument that WE are the cause and that WE can slow or stop it..

Cheers all!

Literally nobody is saying that climate change is new or only happens with human influence. Science matters. Humans absolutely have an impact on nature on every level. I think we can all agree it’s crazy to think 8 billion people have zero impact on the place they live. No matter what you think the level of that impact is, does it not make sense to take care of the environment and limit our impact as much as we can? No matter what politicians and talking heads say, most people can agree we should take care of the earth, right?

The real difference is just to what extent and at what cost.

We should be able to have conversations about how far and what we are willing to sacrifice to improve our impact on the environment without it turning into a tribal battle about how stupid we think the other side of the argument is. You can need a big ass truck and still care about emissions. You can drive a Tesla and still think warming trends are mostly natural occurrences. Most people fall in this dichotomy, but the current political tone is that if you don’t think exactly what I think about it you are an idiot, and all the news sources/scientific studies that disagree with me are lying. Can we stop playing into that BS please?
Geeez man you so typify the left, spin the BS and the agenda while ignoring the facts. Nobody said anything about not changing technologies. Biden and his party have been quite vocal in wanting to kill coal mining now yet the vast majority of electric power generation needed for this obsessive push for EVs comes from coal fired power plants. We are a full generation away from being able to completely convert from coal to other sources of electric generation. Our national electrical grid is in such poor condition that a mere 20% increase in EVs will crush it, we can't even keep up with the current demands now. There is absolutely nothing wrong with advancing new methods and technologies but stop trying to drive the train before the tracks are laid down.

And what military equipment that we use is outdated?

And that's why I 'blocked' that illogical clownery. I don't need to read that baseless crap. It's not opinion, it's stupid. Just like everything else leftist....SMH
Literally nobody is saying that climate change is new or only happens with human influence. Science matters. Humans absolutely have an impact on nature on every level. I think we can all agree it’s crazy to think 8 billion people have zero impact on the place they live. No matter what you think the level of that impact is, does it not make sense to take care of the environment and limit our impact as much as we can? No matter what politicians and talking heads say, most people can agree we should take care of the earth, right?

The real difference is just to what extent and at what cost.

We should be able to have conversations about how far and what we are willing to sacrifice to improve our impact on the environment without it turning into a tribal battle about how stupid we think the other side of the argument is. You can need a big ass truck and still care about emissions. You can drive a Tesla and still think warming trends are mostly natural occurrences. Most people fall in this dichotomy, but the current political tone is that if you don’t think exactly what I think about it you are an idiot, and all the news sources/scientific studies that disagree with me are lying. Can we stop playing into that BS please?

The problem is that the science is being ignored for political hammering.

Geologists and archeologists debunked the climate hysteria long before it became the panic industry it is today. We've been here before. Many times. Warmer and cooler. More and less CO2. There was a REALLY long stretch where we KNOW, for a FACT, it was both considerably warmer than it is now and MUCH less CO2 in the atmosphere, and it wasn't the CO2 (or lack of) that ended that era. The earth didn't sequester all that carbon that eventually became oil and coal. It was already sequestered, in the form of giant lizards and plants that existed for hundreds of millions of years before they all died and became that oil and coal.

And all this is utterly ignoring the fact that we've seen the exact same temperature trends on all the inner planets. It's almost as if these so-called scientists don't realize there's a n almost infinitely larger influence on our climate than little ol' insignificant us. At the very least, they don't include it in their rants.

Take a basketball. Take a ball point pen. Place a single ink dot on that basketball. The ball represents the earth. The dot represents every human that has ever lived and everything we've ever harvested and created with that harvested material. Yes. I think we can live on this rock without moving a single hair on its enormous head. We were told that the planet could not sustain a XXXXXXXXX people, and every time we've crossed that threshold, literally NOTHING has happened. We've been told how many times that the earth was going to swallow us whole by THIS date if we don't stop burning fossil fuels. That date has come and gone every single time with nary a whimper from the planet.

But we've entered a stage where people have come to realize they can fleece the world's peoples of their hard-earned incomes, or impose their economic delusions, by convincing everybody that Henny Penny is coming to town. Literally, the ONLY outcome from all of this has been that Al Gore, John Kerry, and a myriad of other snake oil salesman have gotten grotesquely wealthy from the hair-on-fire hysteria they are curating for us.

Thanks. Brad.
Titan Racing Components
BlackJack Hydros
Model Machine and Precision LLC
Oh, for sure, but if politicians supported educating and empowering some of those fossil fuel industry workers instead of fighting back and forth trying to make each other look stupid they would both keep workers in a dying industry employable into the future and speed up the rate at which our industries and infrastructures could grow to meet demand for alternatives.
Why is it a dying industry? Regulations I suppose, maybe supression.
Also, the more people using EVs in cities the longer fossil fuels will last for those who cant make electric a viable option (mountain and plains states), so instead of making it a battle between red and blue or city and rural, maybe we should encourage those who can and chose to buy EVs to continue doing so. Consumer demand also helps the technology evolve faster.
And shouldn't we encourage those that wish to use ICE the same latitude? Seems the Lib controlled states of Washington and California do not feel that way.
Why is it a dying industry? Regulations I suppose, maybe supression.

And shouldn't we encourage those that wish to use ICE the same latitude? Seems the Lib controlled states of Washington and California do not feel that way.
I would say yes, to a point. I mean, it’s the governments job to do what is best for everyone. I think most can agree that moving away from internal combustion engines are best for everyone at some point in the future. The problem obviously is that we aren’t ready for that, the technology doesn’t exist to make it work for a lot of people, and the infrastructure doesn’t exist to support it, so it’s a bad idea.

I do think the intent of the politicians is the same though. To piss off the other side. And that’s stupid.
"I mean, it’s the governments job to do what is best for everyone".

well.. this is says allot.. not about my beliefs however..

Do all our Liberal friends feel this way.. please post.

I assume you are taking that some way i did not intended it to be taken…

We a have a representative government. It’s their job to carry out the will of the people with the well being of everyone in mind. What that means exactly really is why there are different political ideologies, and i hope you think there’s room for different opinions on that.

I never said I was a “liberal” here, and I currently don’t speak for everyone who calls themselves one.
I would say yes, to a point. I mean, it’s the governments job to do what is best for everyone. I think most can agree that moving away from internal combustion engines are best for everyone at some point in the future. The problem obviously is that we aren’t ready for that, the technology doesn’t exist to make it work for a lot of people, and the infrastructure doesn’t exist to support it, so it’s a bad idea.

I do think the intent of the politicians is the same though. To piss off the other side. And that’s stupid.
I agree with everything you wrote and basically are the points I've been barking about for a long time. Yes at some point in the future we will move away from fossil fuels. Yes the technology doesn't exist yet for many for it to work and yes the infrastructure clearly isn't there yet to support it.

You are totally correct in that it's the governments job to do what is best for everyone but are they doing that? No. You answered that perfectly with your last sentence, they are more concerned with keeping everyone fighting and might I add while they enrich themselves...... on both sides.


Did hell just freeze over?

Have a great evening. :cool:
I agree with everything you wrote and basically are the points I've been barking about for a long time. Yes at some point in the future we will move away from fossil fuels. Yes the technology doesn't exist yet for many for it to work and yes the infrastructure clearly isn't there yet to support it.

You are totally correct in that it's the governments job to do what is best for everyone but are they doing that? No. You answered that perfectly with your last sentence, they are more concerned with keeping everyone fighting and might I add while they enrich themselves...... on both sides.


Did hell just freeze over?

Have a great evening. :cool:


If we listen (read) each other and don’t get hung up on trying to attack I think we (Americans) would realize we actually have a LOT of common ground on what we want (like we did here), but the politicians and the media benifit from keeping us all turned against each other instead of focused on the real problem, them.

Imagine what could be accomplished if conservatives express the willingness to make an effort to decrease their emissions and liberals would stop demonizing people who need to haul farm equipment across Nebraska for not driving what they drive? Instead the media paints it like we have to actively hate and fight against any effort to save the environment or we have to ban all things that rural people need to literally survive because it’s not perfect.

Both these positions are a lie.

If we listen (read) each other and don’t get hung up on trying to attack I think we (Americans) would realize we actually have a LOT of common ground on what we want (like we did here), but the politicians and the media benifit from keeping us all turned against each other instead of focused on the real problem, them.

Imagine what could be accomplished if conservatives express the willingness to make an effort to decrease their emissions and liberals would stop demonizing people who need to haul farm equipment across Nebraska for not driving what they drive? Instead the media paints it like we have to actively hate and fight against any effort to save the environment or we have to ban all things that rural people need to literally survive because it’s not perfect.

Both these positions are a lie.

It might help if people like Buttigiege wouldn't tell his constituents who are struggling to pay for gas to drive back and forth to work to just buy an EV.

And it's not so much that the Left is "demonizing" those of us not yet prepared to make the switch (They do. Don't get me wrong). The plan seems to be to just eliminate our options, capacity be damned, forcing us in a direction we are decades from being prepared for. And cratering the economy in the process also seems to fit the agenda, as well.

Thanks. Brad.
Titan Racing Components
BlackJack Hydros
Model Machine and Precision LLC
Okay guys, after 4+ pages of back and forth, I think we are actually getting someplace. I'm seeing the following become the main points:
  • Alternative energy sources need to be developed to replace fossil fuels
  • EVs are not, at their present level of development, a one size fits all solution
  • Interim technologies, such as hybrids, should not be discounted as a viable alternative to fossil fuel power
  • Government ideologies are becoming more and more a problem than anything else
  • We can't depend on the government to do what is best for the environment or people due to greed
  • We need to start looking at environmental issues on how we do things
If I look backwards, to when the white men first came to the Pacific Northwest, what they found was:
  • a land covered with old growth trees that were several feet thick
  • fish and game were plentiful
  • farmland was there for the tilling and planting
  • the air and water weren't polluted
If I compare that to now, I find:
  • Most of what you buy in the stores is processed or genetically changed
  • meats and fish are almost all farm raised
  • the fish that are caught in the wild are done so by the hundreds at one time, using commercial fishing vessels with nets that are miles long
  • trees are cut down by the hundreds and replaced with farm grown engineered seedlings that grow faster so that they can be cut down again sooner
  • the air and water are, in many cases, polluted to the point that they have to be cleaned to be usable again
Anyone want to dispute any of this?
Native Americans were really good at respecting the earth and using it wisely.
Really? That may have been true once, not anymore. For example:
  • That's why they can gillnet salmon at the mouth of rivers while anyone else that does will be prosecuted.
  • That's why they can go hunt for and kill whales, UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE US COAST GUARD, while anyone else that does will be prosecuted since many species of whales are protected by international law
  • That's why anytime anyone objects to any of the above, they are told that it's in the tribe's history and is their right to do so
  • That's why, in the State of Washington, tribes started to open Las Vegas style casinos EVEN THOUGH IT'S PROHIBITED BY STATE LAW, all because the tribes claim they are protected due to treaties and the fact that they open such establishments on tribal land, even if they have to force non-tribal people to sell the tribe their land that isn't within the boundaries of a reservation!!!!! I know the last part is true since I have friends that were forced to sell their house and land to a tribe so the tribe could open a business on the land they forced the owners to sell!!!!!!
I'm sorry, this is one time I just can't agree with you. Maybe in the distant path but not now.
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