Ron, Your 6 Volt battery In my Twin would last about 3 1/2 laps...... There are applications out there that require high Mah batteries.. A new $20 battery charged correctly in a $5000 Twin hydro is Not asking too much........... You correct... I`am still a Rookie
I would be willing to bet that it would last you 3 - 1/2 days! They last just fine in my Single 90 Rigger.
Just because some are old and still in working condition proves my point! Bring on your discharger! If my packs make the grade I get your Tween LOL!
If I had $5000 in one boat I would find an insurance carrier for that boat! Even though I am sure my packs would last in your twin as they do my boats I am sure with $5000 in the boat I would check to see if they needed a recharge after each day. Once I saw they were lasting fine and since the radio box is open I would zap em for a bit since the Progreesive Insurance whom claims to insure anything turned down my $5000 TOY Boat WOW!