Here are some facts for you. Since you're sucha WIZ with economics, tell me what you see.
Cutting tool sales are at an all time high in this country. Domestic machine tool sales are at an all time high. These are manufacturing products that were sold in the last year by domestic suppliers to domestic manufacturing customers. If our economy is in such a slump and American manufacturing is surviving through outsourcing to foriegn countries, then why are these numbers more than double what they were five years ago? Nearly triple in some regions of the country, particularly in the south. It's quite simple. Everything in everybody's lives starts with a manufacturing facility, therefore the economy is TOTALLY dependent on domestic manufacturing. The reason the Confederates lost the Civil War was because the Union could make its own firearms.
Everybody like to blame Bush for a slump in the US economy. They seem to forget that what happened on September 11, 2001 MIGHT have had a bit to do with it. It's just a darn good thing the good ol' boy from Tennessee wasn't in office when that happened, or we'd all be living in the streets.
As for why someone votes Dem or Rep: Hogwash..........
I make between 35-40K an year and I wouldn't vote democratic if Jesus Christ was on their ticket. You see, I believe in one thing: If I earn it, I deserve to keep it. If you read up on the greater Democratic agenda, and then read to Communist Manifesto (the anti-capitalist bible, written by Karl Marx and Freidrich Engels), they are one in the same. The "who to vote for" criteria should read more like this: If you like the idea of prospering through initiative and application of expertise, vote Republican. If you'd like to stand in line for days for your weekly loaf of bread like the Russians did until the fall of the USSR (Communism gave way to Capitalism), then vote Democratic. But if you insist on hanging on the income issue, look at it like this. Everybody on this board who makes less than $200K works for someone who makes MORE than $200K. If you do something that costs him money, guess what? The people he employs suffer, period. There is nothing that can even the earnings scale, like the Democrats would like you to believe. The reason one person earns more than another is because of his resume' (in the big picture, I don't care about any one individual).
There are some who would vote for Hitler if he was on the democratic ticket. At least Hitler was willing to put his country to the task, unlike Kerry. This is what scares me the most about the idea of John Kerry-Heinz (Fonda) getting into office. What will happen to our military? Clinton did his level best to dismantle our military forces that Reagan and Bush had worked so hard to establish. Our military is in a pathetic state, and Kerry plans to impliment a "Kinder, gentler" means of war. HUH??? What the hell can he do to make it any worse? Sell our tanks to Iraq?
Thanks. Brad.
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