WoodStuff 3.5 FE Conversion


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Being that Mike has no computer, If you don't mind, I'm going to print your pics to show him when I'm there.You did a great job on it.

I think he will get a kick out of it.

I'm betting you have the 1st electric Woodstuff :)
Walt... DO IT!! I'd love to get the feedback... I fabbed the stumble blocks myself without much to go on, so I'd be interested to hear what he thinks might need to be altered there... If you could get some dimensions on those from him, I'd appreciate it... I'll make some new ones if I have to (they are currently just double-back taped on... with the gaps filled with clear RTV)...

I think if I were building one of these from scratch for FE, the one thing I'd alter is that I'd make the radio box recess FULL LENGTH... We could use the extra room for our equipment, batteries, etc... Otherwise, it's kid of a tight fit...

Let me know what he says! You can e-mail me directly if you like: [email protected]
I had a Lawless drive that I received on another tunnel that is being updated right now, so I thought I'd see what the difference in performance was between it and the REK lower. I've completed the FE concenversion and have it all mounted up on my WoodStuff and am heading to the lake in about an hour for the first PSFEMBC practice race/test day of the season... We'll see how she does...

A question for you Outboard experts... The Lawless and OS-Max lowers set to the prop back about a good inch further than the REK does from the steering pin... Is this a good thing, bad thing, or does it depend on the hull?? Would appreciate some information on this... though, I guess I'll find out today! ;)




Hey Darin, I take you got the steering arm? The Further set-back depends on a lot of things. Some boats like it, some do not. Two things:

Is your prop a little deep? It seems so in the picture, but maybe an FE set-up requires something different?

Why did you decide to put the water pickup on the sponson? (or was it already like that?) Seems like the normal pickup off of the cav plate would be better, as its not dragging in the water, nor attached/prtruding through an important part of the ride surface.

I think you will like the lawless better... Let us know how she goes!


The distance a tunnel hulls engine should be offset from the transom depends on the total sum of the aerodynamic and hydrodynamic forces of the design. Every design will be different. Moving the engine closer or further away from the transom will alter the characteristics of the hull slightly. Hulls that are not too far off will benefit from finding this sweet spot. If the design is nowhere even close to being right, moving the engine in this way may not help and could actually make the boat start doing some really strange things while trying to turn like drifting lanes during the turns or the good ole classic hooking into the infield without warning.

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waiting on a video here darin....now that you have this one done..get to work on the 10th scale