Which Miss Bud?


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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2005
Ok guy once Again I call on your collective knowledge. What year make model hydor boat has the off center main body, and where can I find photos? The canopy and engine compartment and cowling are all shifted to the left side aft looking forward. Please help. Thanks guys.

Is your Falk a sport 40 or a 1/8 scale boat?

If it's a scale,I'm guessing that I have the same boat.

It's a 92'-93 Bud hydro.

You can probably find fotos here:


My boat is still new and unfinished.

What's in your boat for power?

I'd like to see some pics if you can.

If she's a scale,for racing,hopefully it

won't do anything weird above 60.

Hopefully,they can get there comfortably. ;)

Might help if with a little more info. Most of the Bud Boats from 95 to present have a centered cockpit and tub with staggered leading edges of the ram wing. If I remember correctly the T-3 was the last to have the offset and it was later rebuilt and centered. Both the T-5 and T-6 are centered with leading edge of the ram wing left of the cockpit extends farther forward of the right.
Man what is it with the T-4 these days? Everybody's building one these days. I've done 2 sets of graphics for that boat and I've got two more on order.
Man what is it with the T-4 these days? Everybody's building one these days. I've done 2 sets of graphics for that boat and I've got two more on order.
If one of those sets on order is for Bill Diedrich that's a repair in progress. :(

I've done 2 of the T-4, neat boat 'cause it's different. B)
ok guys I will try to answer all your questions in one shot.

Its a 1/8th scale,

I am using a g260 modified for the powerplant,

There at no openings in the hull except for the motor /radio box and now a hatch i put in to adjust the strut.

As for my plans I dont plan on racing it other than with the guys at the local lake. I am sorta addicted to see how fast I can get these things and building them. I dont get much pleasure out of racing them probably due to my limited experence with racing them. Maybe if I had more race time it might be different. I am not even done getting this one completed and I am starting on building a gas rigger(P.S. dont tell the wife :ph34r: )

Well I think I just found the boat its modled after its the T-3 exactly. thank you guys now to find a bunch of pictures.
Ok sounds like Dave & Walter both have the Falk T-3 hulls. There was a Falk T-4 up for sale a while back & I thought Dave got that one. ;)
Nope. Bill did order decals for the cowl on an 80 Bud though. Most of the ones ordered I think are for new boats. I know one is a Baker and I think the others are Doug's hull. I know one for sure is cuz it's a guy in my district. I'll send ya that stuff shortly you need Don. I'm back on boat stuff for hopefully the next week or so. The weather's terrible here right now so I'll be in the shop at least one day this weekend instead of testing.
Hey Don did you get the headder? I got mine thasnks again.
I saw Daves boat and think your right 02 or 03 NOT a T-4 i have one of those and its coming along nicely. I will be ready for those decals when they are done. I do have a ? thou my transom is narrow maybe a inch or less does anyone make a small enough rudder or do i need to make my own bracket out of angle...Thanks Mike sorry to hijack your thread Navy Dave
Hello again gstrbmech

1st, what's your name?

2nd, I have posted a few pics in my gallery of my Falk Scale. They are here:


If you have the same boat, according to the literature for the boat,It's a 1990 Miss Bud.

Built by Falk Marine, Grand Rapids Michigan in 1993.

Curious myself if there the same boat.


Hey walt my name is Dave, and it look to be exactly the same as yours I will post some pic later in the afternoon for you to look at thanks a lot. How did you come across you hull and what are you planning on doing with it? the only differance i can see is on my hull there is a support that goes across the middle of the canopy and ther looks to be somting extra on the front cross bar from the canopy to the sponsons. Have you ran the hull and how did it preform?
Hey walt my name is Dave, and it look to be exactly the same as yours I will post some pic later in the afternoon for you to look at thanks a lot. How did you come across you hull and what are you planning on doing with it? the only differance i can see is on my hull there is a support that goes across the middle of the canopy and ther looks to be somting extra on the front cross bar from the canopy to the sponsons. Have you ran the hull and how did it preform?
Hello Dave,

My boat it not finished yet.There's no holes drilled in her yet.Quite a bit to do yet.It is still new and never run.I've only had it 2 weeks.Bought it off e-bay unfinished.I also have the rear wing assy with it.Unfortunatly, I have no windshield and cockpit canopy for the boat.

I'm contemplating running it in 1/8 scale nitro. I have a really nice Mac 67 for it if I decide to finish it.

I'm just not sure if it will be worth the efforts to finish it. :huh:

I might be better off with a new Phil Thomas boat.

It would be for next season anyway.Not this one comming.There's too much on the plate to do now.

Good luck with yours. :)
Hey Walt, I deffinately think it will be worth it. I hit 40 with a stock 260 not even fully broke in yet even. I did mine a little different I mocked it up fully ran it unfinished and I am now getting it ready for paint . I got mine off ebay also (how much you give for yours?) mine is missing the uprights awing and turbine tube. here are some pics for you. let me know what ya think.
Yep Dave.

It seems to be the same boat. Wonder how many were built?

Anyone else out there have one ?

The boat sure is light.Mine is under 5 lbs with all the cowls.

From the pictures your boat is defintely the T-2 boat. Hull #8701.

The T3 has a deeper canard than the t2 and yours is definitely the shorter of the two. You do need to add flaps behind the canard. For personal use you can paint it anyway you want, to race in a scale class however, you either need to paint it the standard red/white and gold, of if you want to run it as the 1994 Red boat, you need to put a saltwater scoop on it.

You should have fun with it.

Bud T2 Red

Bud T2 Gold

The T2 is the lower of the two boats.
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