Don Ferrette said:
"As I've learnt from direct experience - it's not such a critical element to boat performance and reliability as you or Don imply."
Well you can believe what you want, based on YOUR own personal experiences. I base my recommendations on the many problems that have been seen & SOLVED by eliminating these solid mounts in OTHER people's boats. And you already admitted you most likely would NOT have broken your 2 motors if they had been sitting in a iso mount so breaking motors isn't critical?? :wacko: :wacko:
B) Belief is one thing Don, and experience learnt from actual occurences are another. It's not a matter of belief, but what I've experienced. Not because someone told me, and not because it happened to someone else's boat that I didn't build, but by my own trial and error, testing, evaluating etc etc.
I think I explained this clearly before, but I'll do it again, because you misquote me...
The reason the crankcase broke on two occasions was the two sides of the motor were mounted slightly uneven on a solid mount that wasn't a one piece design. What DID fix the problem was a one piece solid cradle. Indeed, it is most obvious, that a two piece iso type mount would also have achieved the same thing. No rocket science there, and I haven't said anything else to the contrary...
I didn't go the iso mount way because vibration isn't an issue, neither is noise and I didn't have the space to do an iso type efficiently. Works well, no radio glitches, no broken flex's, no loose or broken bits and I've got lots of hours up, running upto 60% nitro. mmm
My advice that, IF you ARE using a solid mount, use a one piece design. That's good advice and what my reply's are all about... And again again, I stick with that advice. B)