Whats a real speed for 21 tunnel


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You know when a motor comes on pipe? Imagine it doing that again while already on pipe.

My 21 O/B does the same thing if it is set up right.
I've never heard one do that! I've had engines in my old trucks and how the HH .12 come on the pipe, I love the sound. It's like kickin' in the secondaries on a 4-barrel carb! All of my other boats have never done that.
My Rigger/Mac .21 did that at the last race I was at in Jacksonville Fla. ........ ran like a scolded ape, sounded like it shifted into second gear and picked up aabout 5000 rpm for no reason whatsoever.......... Then I had to rebuild it : :)

~ James
You should see it on a 21 outboard. Mine tends to do it just coming out of the turns as you straighten up - Can be a little bit of a handfull but you don't want to back off the throttle as it's going so fast and the sound is awesome!
So tim, how many tunnels do you currently own, and what are they?

Are you building a JD WOF 28/30?

Still got the same NR Outboard?

Also, have you ran your boats much since Christmas? too bad you didnt have more time to then :)


Still only the 1 complete O/B tunnel - the yellow F1-11 + N/R.

I have the WOF30 plans & some of the foam & timber - just need the time : :)

Been racing the rigger alot this year but the tunnel hasn't seen water for a while - no-one racing 'em anymore ??? I'm going to try and give it a run on the weekend if the damned wind will go away. I made a new pipe mount for it as it failed on me at Canberra in the "surf"


PS congrats on the GOD status!