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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Dec 11, 2003
hey guys just throwing something out there. i'm an avid racer and i noticed that alot of guys seem to like the Phil thomas 40 boat, there are others who like the AC boat, Whiplash etc, etc the list could go on and on but then there is the Spartan 40(think al waters pigeon doo) what makes this boat seem so unpopluar? you don't see much of them There are 2 where i run and they are very fast. what is it that have these boats running away from the competitton. at the nationals(namba) last i saw alan terry run his PT boat and it ran like a beast..i also saw the pegion doo and that was fast too they ran the same motor/pipe combo. i guess my question is looking at these boats(PT/AC/muck 40) outside of set up(i know this is where it's at. Im not new to this) are the design of the boat that different that one is superior to the other? let hear some ideas. THIS IS A HULL DESIGN QUESTION PLEASE DON"T COME WITH SET UP RESPONSES YET.
One thing about the AC is that it's gel coated. Saves lots o work finishing up the boat.

I think any of these boats with the correct set up will win on any given day. But, I don't own any of them.. I've seen them run though...
Yes hull design is a huge advantage but I would suggest you,look at the NAMBA records and see which hull holds every one. 1/16th mile SAW, 2 Lap, 1 mile competition,as well as several NAMBA national champinships and every NAMBA District 8 Championship season series since it has been invented.To see which one gives the driver the greatest advantage.
Just wondering if any bodys heard of or seen a Nitro Sport Works sport 40 , I have one , Strange looking sponsons, they look to narrow for heat racing ,Might be good straitaway boat. Thanks
so Eric you believe that the MUtt-2 is the top Dog HUh? why do you believe this? have you seen a head to head against any of the afore mentioned?
Muck Sport 40 pic's

This is my boat I have raced for the past 2 years with a OPS 45 now it has a CMB 45 and a whole lot faster!!



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i raced against al's pigeon doo boat a couple of years ago at the gran prix and it was a very fast boat! i think alot of people go by looks to much when choosing boats. the ac really is a classic shape where as the thomas hull is a mean get 'r dun looker.

hey ed , got any close ups or interior shots?
so Eric you believe that the MUtt-2 is the top Dog HUh? why do you believe this? have you seen a head to head against any of the afore mentioned?
I have run against Al, his boat is fast but the Mutt II wins in the corners. Al was running the Pigeon Doo at the 2004 NAMBA Nationals and look what won.
i see that boat every other weekend. thanks Eddie <_< BTW i heard what you guys said about my AC boat :angry: . not to worry though i'll do my homework and come back with something for you all. :D
that 2004 win is a very strong agrument cause i saw the other two boats at the 2005 namba nats and terry won the class and his boat and al's boat are really really fast, and if you raced them and beat them then you must have done something(or a whole lot of somethings) right. in 2005 brian watts took second with an AC hull and the Mutt came in third. any of these hulls can win so it comes down to set up
wingnut don't have any close shot at moment but will have some soon!!

Lay, may theory is, what makes a boat faster, not who makes a boat faster!! :D with alot of testing and tuning any boat can run as good as brand A or B etc. :)
I too have a Muck 40 hull that I think is an above avg heat racing boat out of the box. It is not the fastest in SAW or 2-LAP, but is a very consistent & stable hull & will run 60 mph with just about any good motor & pipe . I know Eric's Mutt-II is very fast & handles very well also. This past year at the Gran Prix, Al Waters & I were 1-2 in the finale with our Muck's. To be fair & honest, Eric did not run his Mutt-II this year & I have never run head to head with him in sport-40. Oh yea, mine is the one doing that 3 pic flip that Eric took at the G/P :unsure:

Don :)
:D with alot of testing and tuning any boat can run as good as brand A or B etc. :)

If that were true you would still have the old Dumas boats out there running competitively. I remember when the competition record for Sport 40II was a 1:27 not that long ago we had to fight for every second of improvement in that record for years ,then Mark Anderson came out and did a 1:15 that's a 12 second improvement in one shot with the Mutt II and several have went 1:20 and better with one. Why if any hull is capable of doing this has no one done it? While it is true that setting up the hull is a huge part there are some big differences in aerodynamics that do make a difference.
Hey Eric,

This is just a ? If Mark ran a 1.15 why is his record 1.20:56. Did he run a 1.15 on the old 5-lap course? Or did the 3 year limit come in to play?

Don :)

The three year limit came into play. I have not owned a sport 40 of my own in several years. I destroyed two of them in a three week period. Kinda took the wind out of my sails for that class for a while. Eric turned in that lame 1.20 then destroyed his boat. He keeps whining that he needs a new one and I keep telling him that he knows where the molds are.

I got to race against several Muck boats at the last LA nats and they run very well. As Don noted they are very stable and forgiving. From the people that I have spoken to they are easy to set up. The A.C. and Thomas boats are also very good. Of course I am partial to my boat and feel it is the boat to beat. We came very prepared with Eric's boat in 04 and had a very good day.
Don, to expand on Marks comments. I agree that the 1:20 is a lame time for the Mutt II and I have run 1:17 several times but it was always in the 7.5 hydro class. I have a heat racing attitude rather than record attitude and only run as hard as I need to to stay in front. Go figure this has meant I have to run harder in 7.5 hydro than sport 40. This was the case when a Mutt II won 7.5 hydro at the last nationals in Oregon. Mark is correct in that I have not run the class for a while now due to no boat and I have not taken the time to find a motor that will push a Sport II as well as my old worn out Disk Rotor EXRs. I have also been concentrating on the tunnel boats as of late. (Whew how many more excuses can I come up with?) :lol: If Andy comes out with a new motor you just may see me back with a new Sport boat.
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Hi Mark,

Good to hear ya. And I agree the Mutt is the one to beat ( if you can :lol: )


If I remember correct you came close to winning B-hydro with your sport, at the 04 nats in L.A. also.

And now for my excuse, :p At the 04 nats in the first lap of my first round in sport-2, a very poor repair job on motor case failed!! Damm repairman ( Oops that was me :lol: ) And that was just about as good as it got all week. :blink: :blink: :blink:

Don :)