What do you tell your spouse about $ ?


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Do you tell your spouse/significant other how much you spend?

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  • Are you crazy?

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  • I'd rather be single.

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I've got a good one too. I start to work on a boat and all she says is "So when will it be finished?"

My answer falls along these lines " I still need to get the running gear, a new radio(so she had no objection to a Futaba 9C :lol: ), and .......................... " Needless to say, she shakes her head and walks away, reminding me about this or that from the honey do list that needs to be taken care of FIRST. For some strange reason, the honey do list never seems to get shorter :rolleyes:
Although this hobby is pricey, it is still significantly cheaper than muscle cars or bikes. Last bike had $21K alone in parts. My policy is cash only and no credit cards.
when ever she starts nosing around asking questions i make a trip to the flower shop. Then the questions stop, and every thing is good again.

Its more about the time with her. She hates that on a saturday when we are both off of work i start packing stuff up to head out for the pond.
Ok guys, and gals, it's time for true confessions. After a comment in the for sale forum, I thought it would be interesting to see how many of us tell our spouse or SO how much money we pour into this hobby.
Best way I have found is I spend lees on Boats than I would if I drank or went out womanising.I do this very light heartedly.Of course the money spent on parts is so critical to the running of a particular boat.My wife supports me in the hobby and is getting into the hobby herself.I am building her a boat at the moment and she wants me to teach her to drive.I have our complete basement for my workshop and boating area.It was two unsed bedrooms and a recreation room which is now my workshop. :rolleyes:
She could care less and she does not ask ...

She has her hobbies and I have mine.

no issues :lol:

I can race RC boats all year 4 class,s for what it cost to run one run today in top fuel dragster -- so my wife is glad I quite racing big car,s

I just have to say REMEMBER WHEN and see smiles and say,s yes -- when are WE going to race again dear

I can race RC boats all year 4 class,s for what it cost to run one run today in top fuel dragster -- so my wife is glad I quite racing big car,sI just have to say REMEMBER WHEN and see smiles and say,s yes -- when are WE going to race again dear

Heck, a Super Stocker will set you back considerably nowadays. But there is nothing quite like the fuelers, especially when they were running close to 100%. I still remember seeing the Surfers.....................
When a new boat shows up i just tell her honey i'am just working on it for someone doing a little mod. after about three weeks she says are you still working on that boat i say yea. Or i tell her this boat, no its not new i have had it for a while. you would not believe how many boats i have for repair.