What do you tell your spouse about $ ?


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Do you tell your spouse/significant other how much you spend?

  • Of course!

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  • Are you crazy?

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  • I'd rather be single.

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Well-Known Member
May 25, 2005
Ok guys, and gals, it's time for true confessions. After a comment in the for sale forum, I thought it would be interesting to see how many of us tell our spouse or SO how much money we pour into this hobby.
Ok guys, and gals, it's time for true confessions. After a comment in the for sale forum, I thought it would be interesting to see how many of us tell our spouse or SO how much money we pour into this hobby.
To quote my wife- "It's still way cheaper than when you were into restoring Corvettes." :D
always say u got a good deal that u've been waitin' then turn around pretty quick,don't let her start to make a comment.
I am one of the lucky ones ... Xmas before last she bought me a new CMB67

Last xmas she got me a new Tx , and the inlaws got me a quickdraw kit for one of my gassers !!

hows THAT for cool ?????

I just tell her at least with toy boats you know I SHOULD be coming home when were done , can't say that with karts.

OR the one that REALLY WORKS " It's for the Boys... I swear "


Just like she tells me

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Wife... "Why do you need so many boats?"

Me... "Why do you need so many shoes?" :lol:

Seriously, if only she knew how much is spent....
Doesn't matter if I paid for it, traded something for it or if it was free - it gives her automatic license to go and spend money on something and I still get the "what, more boat stuff?" line. No point trying to smuggle new stuff in to the workshop either - she can tell.
This is an easy question to answer:

"Dont worry about it."

I know, Im not married, but if the money is yours that you spent................

Larry Jr.
I can't drive home from the LHS with the windows rolled down as those receipts keep getting sucked right out of the bag or my pocket. Weird huh? :rolleyes:

I don't ask her how much money that she blows on the lottery and she doesn't ask how much I spend buying new boats or parts. She didn't flinch when that tuned pipe showed up from Glenn a couple of weeks ago, just asked what was in the box.
I don't tell her nothing what she dosen't no can't hurt me . :lol:

To be honest it really dosen't matter as long as i take care of her once in awhile :rolleyes:
I don't let her know about every little 40.00 prop or those 50.00 trips to the hobby shop for glue. But she's pretty good to me she ordered a new cmb45rs through a friend for christmas and wouldn't tell me how much. Rumor has it the motor came from Mark Sholund. Thanks Mark. Greg
This is an easy question to answer:
"Dont worry about it."

I know, Im not married, but if the money is yours that you spent................

Larry Jr.
Yup, you definitely ain't married. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Seriously though I consider myself fortunate. The wive's are very smart, often way more than we give credit. :rolleyes: My wife will tell others it keeps me happy & I'm alot more fun to be around when I'm happy. She knew what she was getting herself into years ago when she saw the little sign (that I still have, now on the shop wall) in the back window of my car that read "It's never too late to have a happy childhood." :p

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Before I raced boats I raced motocross and 4 boats per year is much cheaper than 4 bikes. I also pay for my boat racing with part of my annual bonus so she couldn't care less.
I have a great wife. But I tell her like I used to tell my Dad.

"Don't ask the question if you don't want to hear the answer"
Ya I am real fortunate also. She does get a wired sometimes when I get more than 4 packages in a week. She knows when I've bought something I didnt tell her about because I start selling some stuff to replenish the paypal account. I just tell her "hey I could go blow 100$ in a bar but I dont. Now that I have my 21 mth old son I have a real excuse :p I tell my buddys when they see me wearing long sleeve shirts in the summer to cover my bruises I must have gotten too much in the mail. :unsure: I tease her and give her the saying I saw on a T-shirt once " :p The one that dies with the most toys wins :p "


I have a GREAT WIFE. She never asks me a thing about my boats. She knows it's my PASSION. :lol:

I wouldn't even know what to tell her if she did ask. Besides Who Keeps Track?


Mark Sholund
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I have a great wife. She likes going to the races also. She may give me the look sometimes but its all in fun. Way better than my x was about this hobby. Guess Iam a lucky one.

Rich :p
Russel Bear said it best. Something about why his wife needs so many shoes! My wife has more shoes than she can keep track of! At least I know where all my boats and boating stuff is!
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My x-wife hated boats, so I went and got one that likes them. Anne didn't have any hobbies so I found one for her. She went to most events with me last year and even went to the NAMBA Nats but she did set some conditions when we got together;

1 - "I don't really care what you spend as long as you have the money, No credit cards!"

2 - "You are NEVER allowed to get a boat that goes slow, loses races, stops all of time or looks sissy. And if you get a pink boat :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: look out"

Pretty easy to meet this criteria.

While at the NAMBA Nats, I told her I bought three Seaducers before we left and had to pick them up from Jerry. She looked at them and said "You've got to be joking (with hands on hips), they look ugly, they probably wouldn't go that fast and YOU spent how much?". At the end of the Nats she whispered to me "Can you buy another one, I want a 3.5 Seaducer cause they're pretty fast and look easy to drive!"