water proofing receivers


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Another option for anyone looking is to use the urethane seal coat, its meant for use on motor windings, PCBs, and the like, I have it on my receiver, works fine with no problems when in contact with water. Its made by CRC, comes in a blue container.

BUT.... buy the clear version, not the red or whatever, as I cannot get used to seeing the receiver board in that shade of red!!!! :blink:
My take on the subject: Pay attention to water proof the radio box and you won't have to worry about it! I have never had a problem due to water in the radio equipment over 10 years of hard racing.

Just my way of doing things,

Don ;)
I wish I could say the same. I have 2 boats where the pipe runs verry close to the radio box. This time of year with the water being cold, I get condensation in the box. At least I think thats what it is. I can set the box in the tub and not get anything in it. It's never more tha a fiew drops but I,ve had servos and bateries corode because of it in the past.
Clear radio box covers will condensate. That's why many manufacturers use a smoked glass or light blue top. It prevents the condensation. If your lid is clear....that's a condensate picnic waiting to happen.

Also, Prather water tight seals installed with clear silicone adheisive will NOT leak. I have re-used and transplanted hundreds of them over the past 25 years or so( or whenever they first started making them)

Use the radio box tape from Aeromarine or Speedmaster and you have an unleakable radio box. 38 years experience and maybe three leaky radio boxes over that period of time. None since using the parts just listed.