warmup period


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Aug 17, 2004
Hi there everyone ,just wondering how long do you warm the boat out of the water ,before damage can be done.Also took the boat out today fo the first time ,and couldnt get past half trottle,the needle seems to have gone really tight.the boats bit old thinking it might need a new needle, there are no fuel claps on hoses might try that next, the motor is 3.5 ops and i ran 44% 13%oil does sound about right ,thanks heaps REGARDS DAVID
Hi David

You can even have a failure in a cold engine due to lack of fuel.

Cheap way to get rid of this risk is run richer and in your case get a good needle.

By the sounds of it, my dad and I both are having the same troubles in the OPS 45 engine. his needle hase tightened up to but not mine.
I think your needle is lean. Take the needle assembly apart and look for debris. You may want to check the bearings as well if it has been sitting a while. Save your money, the hose claps aren't necessary. The motor can run for a minute or two before any damage but you need not wait that long before launching.
:D **** Prestion, Your avaitor got my attn and not the thread.

Poor woman how does she do it without getting black eyes?

anyhow I would check your needles for dirt, check carb oring, check/replace fuel lines and pressure lines. I wouldnt run the motor without water to long, a min maybe, You dont want it hot and then get cold lake water in the cooling head.

start, tune, and throw in.

I would do the things mentioned above also. But I would also up my oil percentage to at least 18 percent. I would think that 13 % oil isnt quite enough for a boat motor. Ken
Thanks for the help guys, i think the boat is running bit lean i will try with a higher oil ratio,i read the nitro survey in general posts,and tried running more nirto and less oil down from 18% to 13%.Also when i pump fuel to carbi it poures out the bottom of carbi will that rubber oring need replacing before i try a richer setting, The misses is starting to hate this boat ,told her yesterday i crashed twice she said thank god.THE BOAT TAKES AWAY THE FRUSTRATION BABE. any how thanks for the help much sort after. REGARDS DAVID :D
Also when i pump fuel to carbi it poures out the bottom of carbi will that rubber oring need replacing before i try a richer setting
If the o-ring is leaking, it could be the cause of the lean run.
Thanks for the info,going to change the needle and oring,should make some difference i hope. The needle you see in the carbi when the sleeve is opened up, the hole in the end of it is facing out, is that the corect postion or should it be facing in, thanks again for the info let you no how i get on CHEERS DAVID
Sorry for digging up this old thread,but i havent hit the water for a while,been busy, any way tried the boat today with same result boat just stops when you go for a touch of throttle, Im running the boat at 20% nitro 20% oil 450 octura prop and put a ops power pipe on as well.The tank isnt presureized and it seems to vibrate quite a bit,going to put a air nipple in tomorrow to see if theres any differennce also i think the plug is a no8 does that sound right, i was thinking when it gets a bit of pace [not much] the water going through motor mite be shutting it down.Sorry for all the ???? but the needle in excelerator sleeve is about 1mm out from the fuel needle will i need to adjust this in or out [is this where you get bottom end power] also this needle looks to be slightly bent [of track] when you adjust the needle in towards the fuel needle. The boat seems to have no down low power what so ever, come to think of it no top end power neither,[ NO MORE EBAY FOR ME] but im gunna get this thing goin some how, but i not think by my self thanks for any help i need it CHEERS DAVID B)

The 450 is big for a 3.5cc engine. That is part of your trouble but the biggest problem is the lack of pressure to the tank. The tank NEEDS to be pressurized SO, do that and let us know how much you enjoy your boating!

I have never seen an OPS engine but if I had to guess on a good starting position for the needle I would go with 4 turns open. Should be lean enough to run but rich enough to prevent damage.

Snow dog thanks for the help the motor is 7.5cc ,i havent tried running the boat with that many turns out, that could be the trick, i hope its that simple i did try running three out today for no result let you no how i go [JEZZ IM GUNNA LOOK LIKE A DICK HEAD IF IT GOES STRAIGHT AWAY HOPE YOUR RIGHT] CHEERS

Well then the 450 will be a good propellor for you and once the engine gets enough fuel it will spin up nicely. Remember, pressurize the tank and open the needle. 'tis better to run to rich than to lean.

Good luck!
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The stock needle valve on the OPS 45 engine will have a tendancy to "tighten" up at times- I have 2 of these engines and it happens all of the time. Try your initial run at about 4 turns or more. If you are using 40% nitro, then you will probably be able to lean it down to about 3.25 to 3.5 turns eventually. But make sure you take your time and only lean the needle in a couple of "clicks" at a time.

Good luck, David Cox
She all happened today set the needle 4 out she fired straight to life sounded better already (think iv had bad advice been trying 2 out) wound the needle in a bit didnt touch mixter screw, through her in and bang roostertail apeared and all hell broke loose, did a couple of laps of the dam (40m) at half throttle then decided it was time to unleash this thing,the roostertail behind the sunset was just amasing,the boat started to shine walk abit (2inch swell) so a backed of turned right to miss the floating irragation pipe and fore got about the wire holding the pipe out inthe middle,the prop caught the wire sending the boat in right angles the bo at took of over the pipe went about 3foot in the air and rolled :D :D jezz it was exciting still havent stopped smilin, don"t no why though, done some damage the props had the dick the rudder is bent and the boat was upside down for a fair while, filled it up with some spray stuff down the top of head, down the exsorst manifold and down the carbi this sound right ? Any way its back to the shed for a few more nights to get it back together (again) .Really appreciate all the help and one day i hope i can return the favour CHEERS DAVID :D

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