I had 5 passes under 18 seconds with a best of 17.59. Water good. Tempature in the mid 80's with my air density gauge reading 87. It was an RPM rod and it broke just below the wrist pin. The motor wat destroyed. Only salvage parts will be water jacket, drum, and if Iam willing to take the time to cut the case in half maybe the crank. I have seen some rods go through the case before but never like this. I could not find the big top end numbers like in November but really found some turn speed(bad air no short pipes). The recomdations you and Gary made on the prop would never hook, just cavitate, it was already heat treated so I could not add cup to try it but will. Top end speed coming of the buoys ( not going out deep to get these numbers, just coming of 6 and running and turning at 1) was 86. I wish that motor was not destroyed but it has been a very good motor. It was the first picco I ever bought in 1999 and my log book shows that it had 49 gallons(same piston and sleeve) of fuel through it But it was stock other than rod and carb so maybe it will not be hard to duplicate its perfromance. New motor (has had 1/2 gallon before) showed some pretty good potential with a 17.9 ( not leaned in yet) We get the right conditions we will get there and if not that is fine to, haven a good time chasen it. We didnt let HG drive my boat at all. We got to do plenty of running( not very many people).
Allen Waddle