wake walkers racer


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calcraft racer

Hey Garret is your race a pre registion race there was no info about it in the roostertail also willthere be any open watewr on friday we also heard that the joliet race was going to be held at the chicago land speed way is this true

see you at the races peter collinson
Hey Pete.

I'm not sure why we were not listed in the Roostertail, but we are on IMPBA.net.

To answer your questions:

The race is NOT pre registration, run what ya brung.

It will be up to the Badgers as to whether or not there will be open water Friday. The Badgers are being very generous with their site, and equipment and we don't want to infringe on their generosity. I will be in Atlanta starting tomorrow, so I will let you know as it gets closer. If i had to guess, I would say yes. There should be SOME.

I sent Mark an email with some other info, but the classes are as follows

20 mono

40 mono

E/F mono

20 hydro

40 tunnel

E/F tunnel

20 hydro

40 hydro

E/F hydro

gas mono

open cat

novice (20 or 40 size motor mono/cat/tunnel)

sport 20

sport 40

1/8 scale


4 boat minimum to make a class (except for novice) All classes not filled will be dumped into ULMIMITED where there will be a big traveling trophy given out to the winner. Any boat may be entered in unlimited, even if entered in another class.

There is a post somewhere else on Iwaters, detailing more info.

Email me at home if you have further questions.

Ill respond Monday when I get back from Atlanta


And YES, the rumor is true. The Illini Powerboaters race WILL BE HELD on the grounds of the Chicagoland International Speedway
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