venting some anger over stolen jae12g in harrison,MI


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So gratefull for the help i have gotten from you guys.No way could've done it without the help..
I do not live there but keep an eye out for it, it has to pop up, A police report would help also. be sure to check Craigslist in the area also, they dont run without water, so let the local ponds or clubs know. Sorry to hear this. You guys are awesome in helping a fellow boater.

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I know that there's a Harrison Township as former IMPBA Prez Pat Kelley lives there but don't know if it's in the same Harrison or not.

Get a police report, cruise the pawn shops, check all of the online for sale sites but I've got an idea that the thief or thieves have no idea of what they swiped.
your guys are awesome for helping!

iwaters members are the best! (at least now since a just banned a recent scammer tonight)

yea i hate thieves!
OT but Tom, I'm glad that you did ban him as I know who you're typing about. I actually did buy and receive something from him but that was a couple of years ago but he raked a lot of people over the coals. I've also met him in person which may have been why I didn't get the shaft from him.

I just had a lot of JAE .12 parts or just .12 stuff laying around collecting dust and seeingthem go to use was good enough for me. I believe in the "pay it forward" thing as I've had a lot of help in the past in both physical things and advice over the years. I've had people give me things free or at a discount as we've helped each other out at one time or another.
Mike does great work, he built my JAE gas 'rigger for me.

Did the package show up today? Just curious as the USPS has gone downhill in the past year or so on this side of the state.
Yep showed up thanks again.Hey mike I'll take you up on that offer.Just wondering how do you guys go about finishing your boats stain them or paint them or seal and run them plain?.I sealed and painted boat that was stolen with top flight aerasol paint and it was terrible chipped.Mike let me know where to ship.Do you do any painting to?