Updated D12 standings


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Well-Known Member
May 25, 2005
For those who have been on the edge of their seats waiting for the results, they're online through the Capital race. You can view them at the D12 site High Points page: http://www.impba12.com/high_points.html

A few comments:

Sorry for the delay in getting them online. As some of you know, I have taken a new job and have moved to SC. The last two months have been a bit of a blur. I have yet to have time to even start unpacking the boxes in the garage which means no R/C boats or planes any time soon. Anyway, the results arrived during this transition and there just wasn't sufficient time in my schedule to get to them until recently. Future results should be posted quicker, based on how long it takes the club to get them to me.

A note to CDs. Posting the results would be easier if you would total ALL entries, instead of just enough to determine who gets the trophies. It would also be helpful if the arrived in softcopy, rather than on paper, and sorted in order of finish. I try to avoid typos, but the more I have to manipulate the data, the more likely I'll miss someone's score or assign the wrong place.

A reminder to all looking at their results. The score you receive is based on your overall place for the weekend, NOT your points for the weekend. For example, if you finish first with a score of 1200, you will get 400 district points for the race. If you are racing in a large class and finish 10th with 800 points, you will unfortunately get 0 points for your district score.

And finally, I need to go back through the sheets for all three races to confirm I have entered 0 for all who attended but placed lower than 9th overall.
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