Unlimited on history channel


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Nov 18, 2005
Reprinted from ABRA site-

On Wednesday, Feb 28th at 10 p.m. EST and again on March 1st at 2 a.m. EST, the History Channel show Modern Marvels will showcase the unlimited hyroplanes on the episode of horsepower
Cool, thanks for the heads up. Just set the DVR to record it. Hockey and hydros all in one night, life is sweet. :lol:
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet Modern Marvels & Unlimiteds after part 2 of Future car on the science channel I know what I'll be doing tonight. Which exactly the same thing I do most nights, sit on the couch and watch the tube. I tell you fellas, life is good :p :D :D :D
A short segment on the hydros but cool nevertheless........nice leadoff with the dragsters too.....even though according to a t-shirt I have "Racing on Asphalt is for P*&&ies".
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I was a little surprised at who was on the segment:

Dave Vilwock, Doc Ken Muscatell and Jim Lucero

I was a little surprised that they had Dave in the old white Elam hull for his interview since he never drove that boat

I liked the sequence showing the Doc's flip in Dan Diego and his comments about it

It was too bad Lucero oversimplified his explanation of how the boats are powered. I figured someone with his experience would have been a little more truthfull on the whole set up.
It was too bad Lucero oversimplified his explanation of how the boats are powered. I figured someone with his experience would have been a little more truthfull on the whole set up.
I thought it odd when he implied the prop is directly connected to the turbine output shaft ..... :blink:

Still was cool to watch though. Did anyone watch the next one about speed? A good number of unlimited blowover shots in that one, Warby's record runs were cool too. B)
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I'm sure he had to oversimplify for the sake of the segment. Jim is extremely smart, almost eggheadish, and if you had him explain from motor to gearbox to prop that would take a whole show by itself. Not that I would mind that though. I talked to him once in San Diego in the mid 90's and man he loves tech talk. Pretty soon your eyes glaze over and a small bit of drool starts to fall from the corner of your mouth. I love tech talk too but man he talked me into a daze!
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man its been soooooo long since I've seen a real boat race I think I would p--- in my pants when and if I ever get to see a real race,,,planning on it this year,,,cant wait,,, You guys are so lucky if these bad boys race anywhere near your area.... I wish Miami would get off its A-- on up grading of the Marine Stadium,,and finding a sponsor.. its hasnt been changed since the last Unlimited race... How many years ago!!!!!!!!
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Mike, come to Madison for the regatta we race the R/C on saturday and watch the real boats on sunday. We will try and not run anybody over this year :( . Plus you might just attend the last regatta here in Madison. Don
Don keep me posted,, please...
The Unlimteds start running on Friday July 6th and then R/C's race on Saturday the 7th. It is called the Dennis Holt memoral race and is on the IMPBA web site district 14. On Sunday the 8th the Unlimteds race and the club always gets a nice spot under sade trees to watch the race together. You can take pit tours and get some nice close ups of the boats if you want to. Plus some body allways seems to get pit passes.

As far as the regatta gose what happend last year a kid high on drugs ran his car into a crowd of people and almost killed a women from Mich. His trial has not happend yet and there are alot of law suits pending. I am not sure if the regatta will make it threw the suits. That is why I am not sure if they will have another regatta it is all about the money. Plus two factories have shut down and two big business that give money to the regatta have gone out of business. Madison is very nice and a great place to visit. Come up and see us. Don
I don't see how anyone can hold the Madison group liable for what happened last year. The guy that was driving the car should be held liable for everything and, if I had my choise, locked up for life.

As for going to some races, Mike, come on up to Washington. We have the R/C Unlimiteds Atomic Cup running July 27-28 at the same time as the full sized boats run right next door in the Tri-Cities, followed by the SeaFair Chevrolet Cup on Lake Washington the following weekend. Would three races in nine days be enough for you? :D
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Sounds like fun out west some day I will race out there just look for the guy that has no clue!!!! :lol:
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Don't know if this would influence you any, but we haven't had rain in years and the average temperature has been around 80 degrees for a majority of the SeaFair races I've been to. For us Washington State Ducks, that means almost instant sunburns :lol:
I remember my father taking me to the Unlimiteds in Miami back when the Pringles Miss Bud Circus use to duke it out. It was always funny watching the Miller break down every heat and every race, then the drunks would swim out to greet the driver. :lol: I guess the Miller never did like the salt water. Then my father would always tell me tales of better days watching the races in Washington. Those were the days :)

Good times

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