Unlimited Boat Designs


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Carl Van Houten

Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Mar 6, 2011
Hey guys,

I had a guy the other day ask me a question that I did not know how to answer. He wanted to know if he could build any of the Unlimited class model boats and compete in the scale hydroplane class. I told him that If it was issued a "U" number and was allowed to run in the unlimited gold cup class, it was a legal boat design in the IMPBA scale class. Is that true?


thanks for the input but he was refering to IMPBA. :)

Good info for the NAMBA folks as well. Good to know.
Hey Carl,

The Master Hull Roster (MHR) is applicable to both NAMBA and IMPBA. IMPBA Scale Unlimited Rules specifies: "All models must be of a real unlimited hydroplane listed in the APBA Master Hull Roster. I believe MHR are available from NAMBA as Rick identified, or from R/C Unlimiteds Web site.

Carl V. - hulls listed in MHR will generally require photos to document the "configuration being modeled". There are many hulls listed in MHRs that I have never seen pics of. CHEERS !!! Bob