U-37 Gold Cup Crash Onboard Video


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the heck with that.. would love to see them make a two setter.. go for rides :D The only thing I dont understand is ,if he knew he wasnt turnning wright,why didnt he shut down the engine ASAP? That couldve slow it down more =the less the crash/impack wouldve been on that boat.
the heck with that.. would love to see them make a two setter.. go for rides :D The only thing I dont understand is ,if he knew he wasnt turnning wright,why didnt he shut down the engine ASAP? That couldve slow it down more =the less the crash/impack wouldve been on that boat.

He did shut it down....they take a while to spool down. He was running full throttle in the corner and catching the Formula boat when the skid fin let go. Not far to shore at over 100 mph.....
You have to forgive her Duck. She doesn't know how a turbine engine works since they're not made by Pro Boat :p

Misshydro, I'm curious. If a setter is a breed of dog, are you saying someone needs to build a hydroplane with seats for a pair of dogs? And for that matter, what's an impack? I've heard of an impact but never an impack
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You have to forgive her Duck. She doesn't know how a turbine engine works since they're not made by Pro Boat :p

Misshydro, I'm curious. If a setter is a breed of dog, are you saying someone needs to build a hydroplane with seats for a pair of dogs? And for that matter, what's an impack? I've heard of an impact but never an impack
Hey duck you have to ignore HJ. For somebody who doesnt have any completey built and running boats you got alot of room to talk.
You got room to talk Missmouth. You threw together a kit back in December/January just to show you could build something and it's still leaning against the wall with a coat of primer but no engine, radio or running gear installed. I guess you are afraid to finish yours as you don't want to look like the beginner you are :p

Now rather than hijacking this thread, go and play with your toys in the bathtub :lol:
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Does this BS ever end with you HJ? You seem have a lot of knowledge, why not use it for something good instead of this constant bickering and picking on Nessa. Get over it, and move on. Mike
Does this BS ever end with you HJ? You seem have a lot of knowledge, why not use it for something good instead of this constant bickering and picking on Nessa. Get over it, and move on. Mike
I have to agree with Mike. Enough is enough!!! I for one am tired of seeing your bashing posts on IW. That is not what these forums are for!!!!
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You got room to talk Missmouth. You threw together a kit back in December/January just to show you could build something and it's still leaning against the wall with a coat of primer but no engine, radio or running gear installed. I guess you are afraid to finish yours as you don't want to look like the beginner you are :p

Now rather than hijacking this thread, go and play with your toys in the bathtub :lol:
Sorry guys I have to say this... :angry: As you can see he aways starts stuff with me and I keep quiet until enough is a enough.. :eek: So I want to say this as my defence....HJ at least the eagle is put together compared to yours 7+ boats that are half built and setting for 5+ years with no addtional progress done to them.. :eek: :eek: :eek: I wanted to build the JAE and get that going first since its easyer on the fuel cost to run...And guess what?? Its up and running great!!! :D :D :D As for calling my boats bathtub toys?? :angry: At least there running and can have fun with them at the pond. :p :p :p
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Man, this stuff is getting really old and I mean old! Two RC boat forums sites and how many years of rehashing the same old diaper filler!

HJ, you PM me wanting to get a grudge match set up but I feel that I want absolutely no part of it. I know that I could sell a LOT of tickets to something like this but we might have to get the cops involved. No way could it be held at the clubs lake as we'd lose our lease and I'm sure that Walt Radzinski and Kevin Sheren wouldn't allow it.
Sorry I asked. I figured a friendly race would be a fun way to shut all the crap down. Guess I was wrong, not that it matters since she would just slam me and refuse with the support of many here anyway. It's also a moot point since she wouldn't have built a boat to race me to begin with unless someone gave her the kit, motor and hardware.
Let's just say that there are members of this site and others that are working on a very tight budget. They must not be smashing up enough cars in Ohio so she's had to take whatever job she can get. It's hard for a lot of people to admit that they're not rolling in high cotton but are just getting by so although they would prefer to have the high-dollar toys they simply can not afford it so get by on what they can. I'm helping them out a little by sending my JAE gas 'rigger to them for paint, that and my painting skills haven't been up to snuff lately. Don't forget that I know what your job situation is like, things are tough all over and you've had your priorities that have taken you away from working on your boats.

With the squabbling that goes on between the two of you, it also messes up any threads with this same old s**t. I feel like a parent scolding their children and have to listen to "he/she started it!". Why I get drawn into these spats, I don't know. It's been just over 2 years since I was a Mod over at RCU and the two of you have been going at it for since long before I left that position.

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