Try to guess this ( WE HAVE A WINNER)


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You know Stu Barr is retired, and he does build boats. I am pretty sure he can swim. Ken
If I had a boat company, I could easily qualify. I have the other requirements, I am old and I have a lot of PRESSURE. :lol: :lol: :lol:

If I had a boat company, I could easily qualify. I have the other requirements, I am old and I have a lot of PRESSURE. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Thats funny charles :lol: :lol: .
Ken are you saying that you want to put stu on the chopping block is that your pic....Bob :eek: ........
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Yep, that's My pic, Stu builds an awesome boat, no doubt, but you have to have a few years behind you to build something that fast. hehe, and he has a few years behind him.
WELL FOLKS, WE HAVE A WINNER ............MR,KEN HILDRETH Won the prize. NOW HE HAS TO WATCH HIS BACK or Wait both of us will have to watch each others backs Because the old fart will most likely do something :p ...................................................

To all that replyed It was all in good fun. Thanks i had a blast with this one. :) :lol:

Stu Is a Great man to know I have a lot of fun With him and Steve there a riot to be around. :lol:

Thanks Guys................Bob Ferguson JAGUAR HYDROS

Ken If Your Not going to atlanta send me your address ill get your rudder assembly out. ;)