Trophy opinions


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Do you need to get a trophy?

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This is a great question that all clubs have discussed at one time or another.

Hard to vote a simple answer to a complex question.

Large multi district, or internats races should present trophies or plaques for atleast the top three finishers.

Speaking of district races only....

If kids are racing, we need to offer trophies/plaques for them. Some clubs don't even offer novice class for the junior/beginner racers.

I personally think it's just wrong. They are our future.

Adults can be recognized with a certificate or ribbon, to help with costs.

I thought this question had been asked before, but here goes......

Are we allowed to give away gas cards to contestants at an I.M.P.B.A. sanctioned race? I feel most racers would rather have something that would offset the costs of attending races.
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national or major races should have trophies. these trophies can cost in excess of $2000,00 for quality trophies for an average race. the cost to enter these are usually higher to help cover these expenses. these also take more lead time and is a fixed expense once ordered cannot be reversed.

i think the way to go now for local races is certificates. the number of racers attending these local events is dropping do to high costs of transportation and lodging. paper certificates can be done and have a quality look for $75 -150 range and dont need much lead time to get ready..

t-shirts are another item, once ordred, a fixed expense, can cost $10.00 and up + design work.

for those who never had the pleasure of doing all of this as a race director, it is a real eye opener.

my 2 cents

May I ask what club you belong to? Fees have been stayed the same for years and costs go up
When I was a member it was to the WRCPBC IMPBA D-6

and yes I understand

This is the short answer to the page and a half I just erased-- didnt wanna start an IW version of ww3 ;)
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I know that at are race the Winter Nat's we ask for sponsors for the trophies.

works out real nice for the big races.

As far as the one days a ribbon will do.

You guys need laser etched acrylic trophies/plaques. Can be made out of 1/4 acrylic can probably make 8-10 plaques out of a $50 sheet with a nominal fee for laser services

Great idea Kevin! I'm sure that any trophy could be customized to represent a particular event and/or class. If enough people put their heads together, this could be an excellent option.

Large multi district, or internats races should present trophies or plaques for atleast the top three finishers.

Speaking of district races only....

If kids are racing, we need to offer trophies/plaques for them. Some clubs don't even offer novice class for the junior/beginner racers.

I personally think it's just wrong. They are our future.

Could not agree more .

One of the biggest problems a club faces when it comes to trophies is not knowing what classes are going to make.

We have so many classes now and people wait until the last minute to enter (for what ever reason) and clubs have to order trohies in advance.

If they order for classes that don't make they are stuck with the loss.

Tim K
I prefer plaques over trophys, since Bryan and Eric started boat racing in 1998 we have every plaque or trophy that we have won. They wanted to mount them all in the shop and I have just continued on doing that . For our SOMBC 2011 race we bought 1st through 3rd plaques 12x9, 10x8 and 9x7 these were wood base with a full size sublimated photo print on them, our bill was $417.00 shipped, our race fees were 15 dollar first boat and 10 dollars for all additional classes, and we had a 4 boat minimum, we didnt lose money on the trophies. Our goal as a club wasnt to make a boat load of money we wanted to feed the racers for free, have nice awards, and a good time, and be done at a reasonable time. We also got local business sponsorship for classes. I agree with Tim that everyone waiting till the last minute to enter hurts the CD's in their ability to plan. Attached are copies of the bill and the actual plaque design if your curious.. Tony J


I can not race a trophy:~}. But a new engine or a kit for first place will do. Good raffle prizes would better then trophys. Never liked that tube of glue:~}

Ribbons for each finish,First,Second,Third. Walking by Mike Shindlers tent,wow did you see how many races he won. Plus there would be time saved at the end of the race. Kudos to the clubs that work sooooooo hard to put on races.

Most of the clubs in District 4 print out 1st - 3rd place art work on photo paper and then put them in affordable wood frames ($1.50 ea.). I remove my printed awards and place them along with photos that I take throughout the year in a photo album and then re-cycle the frames to our club for use next year. This is a very cost effective way of doing awards, but someone in the club has to do the printing and assembly. If your club has members who are willing to volunteer for such activities this is about as cost effective as it gets.
Most of the clubs in District 4 print out 1st - 3rd place art work on photo paper and then put them in affordable wood frames ($1.50 ea.). I remove my printed awards and place them along with photos that I take throughout the year in a photo album and then re-cycle the frames to our club for use next year. This is a very cost effective way of doing awards, but someone in the club has to do the printing and assembly. If your club has members who are willing to volunteer for such activities this is about as cost effective as it gets.
Sounds like a great way to provide trophies on the cheap! Thanks for sharing.

I think some sort of trophy or plaque is required for a race. But it does not need to be fancy.
I have an idea, What if you had plaques available for sale. Then, you give out cheap name plates with the date, class and finish on them. That way there is little expense involved, a beginner could have that coveted first trophy and those with multiple awards can put them all on 1 plaque or if its big enough you can put a whole years worth on the same plaque.
Toss this into the equation--make it the responsibility of NAMBA--IMPBA etc to provide clubs with the plates/plaques so anywhere a guy goes he gets the same plate to add to his collection---it would be the clubs responsibility to pay the organization for the plates/plaques the organizations could buy in bulk(money savings) and charge a little over that (make money) and it would still be cheaper than regular trophies for all (again saving clubs money and leaving no question to anything) ---- The organizations are basically ONLY there for racing and for people racing and clubs who make it mandatory(flips around to the racing again) so in all actuality if there were no sanctioned races there would be no more NAMBA IMPBA or other so maybe they should step to the plate on this one

I have an idea, What if you had plaques available for sale. Then, you give out cheap name plates with the date, class and finish on them. That way there is little expense involved, a beginner could have that coveted first trophy and those with multiple awards can put them all on 1 plaque or if its big enough you can put a whole years worth on the same plaque.
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Toy Boats ,,,were not talking NASCAR , or NHRA here ..everybody has jobs and lives . Be recognized for those moments in competiton by those who you compete against while it happens ..just my 2 cents :D
There's give and take here. I remember when there were just 3 or 4 classes on Saturday (20, 40, 60 Mono) and Sunday (20, 40, 60, 90 Hydro). Other classes had their own weekend of racing. With fewer classes the competition was much stiffer. I remember my dad telling me that I did good just to get in the Top 10. In these days it was "QUITE" and accomplishment to get a trophy as they only went to third place. Now with so many classes each is much smaller and much less competitive so eventually everyone will get a chance to get in the top three on several occassions allowing more people to get more trophies more often.

The result is now earning trophies may be perceived as being too easy so people don't get too many and appreciate them less. When they were tougher to get people valued them more.

One thing though, I new guy is always going to appreciate a trophy. If we have people that don't apprecaite them maybe that is a hint that we are not recruiting enough new guys.
I never win so I have no first hand account of the However I am very active in the club and I think that the days of trophies for every race are long gone. A certificate and ribbon is nice and doesn't take up alot of room. How about a button if you know someone with a button maker. That would be cool too. Guys and gals, it's all about the braggin rights. If I ever win a class, you can bet your last dollar that I'll be on IW talking smack. Toy boats are fun. If clubs save more money from races, then clubs can buy better equipment to put on races....more and more fun.

Mike Bird
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I like the idea of " If someone who places 1st-3rd wants a plaque, let the club order a plaque for them, if they don't want one, then that's ok too" Some guy's don't care and that can amount to quite a few plaques and saves a club alot of money, downside is, you don't get the plaque at the race.

We have also always tried to give something at a race, we have given out paper awards, printed full color on certificate grade paper and framed for our 1 day race series and I think most people are ok with that too.

Below is an example :
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Before you make a decision on awards you should have had to purchase awards for your organization and written the checks out for the expenses of a race, and collected entry fees. I hate to offend anyone but trophys collect dust and plaques stack neatly in a box untill you need space and take them to the trash can. I am with Mike on giving certificates which can be done inhouse on a printer and if you want a plaque it will be mailed later. Yes a district or national championship deserves an award but local races spend a lot of money that could better be used to improve sites and club equipment.

Years ago our local drag strip gave trophy's and a small window sticker for your car. No one saw the thophys in the trunk but you made sure you got a class champion sticker in your rear window before you left the strip and cruised through the drive-in later. Some of the simplest awards are best. I think most would rather get some recognition on a common site posting results than an award few will ever see in your house. NAMBA has every nattional champion (1-3rd) listed on their site for the last ten years. IMPBA it is a well kept secret. Clubs hype up how great their races are and you rarely see the results later just the hype for the next race. One reason I like RCracingevents you can see reults daily in a multi day event.

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