Toledo fun run, Radio Channels.


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Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2003
Well it worked out for us the last time, theres a few more boaters with us now.

I have channel 61 for my boats.

Insane, Twincraft, and Ducer are on 61, and have tunnel on 69. FM radio.

I can change tunnel if need be, IF i can get it running for the run.

NT: :eek:Dont want to be driving other peoples boats :eek:
CH 6 on the SM 21, 82 on the 7.5 'burst, 86 on the HH.12 and Yellow (can't remember the CH) on the .12 mono.
We have channels 1 through 6.. ;D Can switch to any of these if and when needed. ;) Will make sure we are not running 6 for the Olson gang.. ;)


OB Nut Racing: A Racing we go!!!!!! ;D
I'll get channels from everyone i know here, if theres a problem we'll have to take turns, if i rember right those channels are clear, out off the ten people here we all have different 74 and 75 fm,
I have chanel 62. I might bring my friends 3.5 prather deep-v for my wife to drive. i'm not sure which chanel it is though.
Oh No! Missy driving! Let me know when you're firing up her boat so that I can bring mine in! :eek: ;D

I already know what her response will be Wade. :D

The best thing to do is to check with everyone else before turning on a radio to see if anyone is on that Frequency.

ROFLMAO.. I need to know when Missy will be running.. I need 10 grand.. ;D


OB Nut Racing: Where's that Vidcam!!!
Ron, Missy says to kiss her A$$!!! LOL!! She can't do any worse than the guy who I am borrowing the boat from. The 1st time he ran it, I forgot to tell him how to shut the engine off with the transmitter. Well the steering was set way low & he went out, made a big loop & headed right back to the beach. He panicked, & with me & another guy yelling "shut it down" he ran it up onto the beach still running! :eek: I had to grab the remote from him to shut the engine down. & my second time running my dragonfly, i ran it smack into a tree! I think she will be fine.

OB Nut, if you win, you have to split the money with us!!!!! LOL ;D
I was waiting for her usual response, Bite Me! ;D

Don't blame us if she gets the bug. When Brenda raced, she had all of the women at the races cheering her on.
Hay i got a lead on a motel, the Seneca Motel 34.00 per night, not to fancy but close to the park, and pleanty of resturants on the same road.