Toledo fun over


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OK I only see one pic of the insane in the water, I KNOW that mark and dale got it on vid.

i really didnt see it go, just remember it landing upside down. I did get it all dried out and its all working.

took some time with hair dryer.


And was Nice to meet you, and That woodie of dennys, I would loved to buy it, but to scared to damage it, even alittle scratch would hurt me. I beleive now he LOVES to build the crackers. He does a very nice job on them as well. The new ones are painted i beleive cause Gregs going to Bump and grind with the others ;D thats racing.

Good to meet you too Tom! I had a good time playing with you guys. Get that Insane dry man! get that box sealed! and use the tampon idea ;) it works~ just remember, when they "bloom" the box is wet. They hold a LOT of water. use CorrosionX on your servos and receiver, tampons in the box and use rod seals on the outside AND inside of the box, stuff the bellows with vaseline or cable grease and it will stay dry ;) and use the Aeromarine box seals, the Dubro ones suck eggs

Thanks for the kudos on the cat~ she's a sweet kitty :) I had it setup to run a little too dry for the weather but when I take a boat out I hate opening the tool box ya know~ running is for running not wrenching ;D
Tom- I think i have another of the insane running, i will check tonight when i get home, but it might not be as nice/recognizeable as the one i posted

And for him to say YOU DO NICE WORK MARK, On your BAW BOAT is a GOOD complament.
Ok, my head has deflated some since reading this!! Thanks for all the compliments on my wood working skills.. I'd be the first to point out the problems ( I'm my worst crittic!) I had working on the boats I built, but I'll just baste in the lime-light for now....

Wish we could have stayed logger, but the boats just weren't running, felt guilty with Mary stuck in the car with Mike. :p Just thought it would be a good idea to head on home... Weather in Ky on Sunday was just perfect for running boats.. Wish we'd made a trip out to the local lake then, too many things to do though..


OB Nut Racing: Counting the days for our next Fun Run....
Hey Rad, I got the receiver sprayed and servos sprayed.

Am going to go and SEAL it all up this winter.

Thats a good idea with the vaseline. You know, the old man did the radio box ;) and i know Greg always had a problem with it getting wett.

and the tampon thing i have heard of, but never done it yet, guess its time. it was upside down a good 15 mins or so.

Your cracker is going to be set up good, hell if he starts building everyones, going to be hard to win for him.

He sets them up as it were his boat.

im glad he came out, did him good. He had already talked to greg by time i got to Mi.

We will have to have a weekend to run at the lake next summer.

let me know if you ever want to unload that CAT.

We should have invited more of the Pond Hoppers over to run with us. It was good seeing Radamus and Denny there. I met Denny earlier this year at the Toledo show and talked to him for a while there after typing to him in JRCBD. We'll have to meet up again next year there.

Yeah, scary moment out there while I was in the Kayak! It's a wonder that I sdidn't leave a brown stain in the seat! Just before it happened, I was thinking of what Craig (EMS Racing) was telling me at the Internats about the rubber boat he was in and the 'rigger hitting it.
I think we HAVE TO MAKE IT a RULE that when someone is out in the recovery NO ONE RUNS.

It isnt all that long to just wait. You will never see me running my boats when someones out there getting boats. just a freaking safty thing, that should be in STONE FOR US.

dont want to see anyone get hurt.

Rules for next run as learned by previous runs:

1. footware must be worn at all times ;)

2. no kids in the water when boats are running

3. frequency check!

4. no running while rescue boat is out!

5. Must have fun!


-trying not to take all the fun outta the run ;)
Basicly sums it all up right there, Have to HAVE 1-4 to have 5.

this time, there was footwear. LOL Would of been nice when it was warm out. Nice sandy beach.

Hey Cy, Why dont you quit wasting your time with that boat, I have a Seaducer that would fit you perfectly.

Email me if you would think about it.

good idea, no running while the retrieve is out. I almost dove from a canoe one time when a guy ran at me and barely missed me so I know the feeling.

I never even saw what happened when I spun it out. I was trying to carve a fast curve, it bounced out and got flighty on me then I lost it behind the picnic table so I spun it out. Sometimes that stuff happens so fast you don't have time to think so it's a good idea to have no one out in the water. That's an IMPBA rule probably.

We could have gotten a lot of those boats with a fishing line..... some of them though, they were out there! :)
Rad the time you spun it out you missed the kyack by about 1 inch... giving me a real good shower, and a bath next time i used the kyack :) if your the one i think you are.... hope you don't mind me givin you some gruff about it ;D
No problem Cy, it's good to talk about those things~ I felt really bad, but like I said, I didn't see it but I could tell by really big eyes it was close :eek:

That part of the pond on lot 6 is too small for my comfort, not very much room
yeah we did P.J. you shoulda came ;) yeah i can see things getting really hairy really quickly on that small pond... but i'm glad i got over to that one to try it out. sides you gave my GF something to laugh about on the ride home... about 80% of the way i was still complaining about being wet ;)
It was great meeting u guys Had lots of fun. Wish weather was better. Could have had some good tunell races if wind was less. And about wet radios, we stuff ours with paper towels works great. had em upside down 30 min no problem.Lets do it again next year when its warm
it was nice to meet you too juice... gotta say you had some great boats and to see your cat hook and scoot WOW! thanks again for your guy's work
Is it too early to start making plans for next year yet? We can do it in the `Zoo again or even if we could get back in that Park in Toledo. I forgot to mention how nice that place is.
I haven't had a chance to make it yet but Wade has told me how much fun it is. By the pictures I would believe it. We have talked about trying to set up a fun run at my in laws in Greenville, MI next spring. I have some pictures of it that I will post later. If not I really hope i can make it to the next one.