I am happy to announce I received my boat (94' Budweiser T3) from Dick Caspari. I am still waiting on the cowl and turbine, which was sent in a seperate box, and hopefully arrives tonight. Unfortunately, in 4+ years, there was only about 20 minutes worth of work done to the boat, but I am very happy to have it back. Dick was able to build me 2 sets of wings, and 2 turbines, and I am grateful for that.
I am now starting to sand and fill in the small voids in the hull. I am assuming Microballoons + Epoxy is the best filler for this, but if anyone has any better suggestions, please let me know.
Also, this is a Troy McIntyre hull, and has no hardware installed. I am happy to do the hardware installation, but I dont know the measurement & placement & specs for anything. Does anyone know where/who I can get such information from, or even possilby perform the work for me?
Again, thank you to everyone who helped me in contacting Dick, and in getting my boat back.
A big thank you to
Harry Gatjens (sp?) for all the info on his 94' Bud, and the suggestions on hardware, graphics, etc. If you get a chance to send any pics of your boat up close, of hardware setup, etc. that would be awesome!! Thanks again!
I will be posting pics of my build soon! May this thread RIP.