I am an IMPBA CD and my two cents are... some rules just need to be judgement calls. Lap penalties and DQ's are, flying starts are...If you make launching a black/white rule, that every boat needs to be in the water at :30, what happens at 35 when a boat is running, and a cowl is being thrown on half way and the pit man is running towards the shore to throw it in in 5 seconds...that to me causes more unsafe conditons than if the boat is running, they calmly get the cowl on, and WALK to the shore to launch at say 20 or 15...a cowl could fly off, a pit man (woman) could slip...what I use at my races, is if the motor is started at :30, you may launch when your boat is ready to do so. I do REQUIRE walking, otherwise I will give the boat some sort of penalty. To me, that's black/white. Thanks
Garrett Randall