The Spoon trick


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I gave you a chance to correct yourself, but it appears you're not.

Rod G. You are wrong on several different levels regarding this thread. Firstly; you are wrong about the facts you claim to be proficient in. It appears you would rather baffle people with what you don't know???....or maybe you just didn't know better???

Pardon any perceived tone as I correct you regarding the facts.

Acceleration of a fluid is caused by pressure gradients. A fluid is accelerated in direction of the velocity if the pressure goes down. Thus a decrease of pressure is the cause of a higher velocity. It is wrong to say that a lower pressure is caused by a higher velocity.

Bernoulli's Law:

Unfortunately Rods version of Bernoulli and the example was done erroneously, e.g the spoon in the stream of water cannot be used as examples of Bernoulli's law because the static pressure in a free jet stream is equal to the static pressure in the environment regardless of the streaming velocity of the jet. Water can be considered an incompressible fluid, thus it will be at constant pressure (atmosphere pressure). Bernoulli does NOT work without pressure differential or the closed loop.

Coanda Effect:

The flow near limiting surfaces follows the geometrical shape of these surfaces. This behavior is called Coanda effect and is synonymous with Boundary Layer Attachment. The flow must not be forced to change its direction abruptly as to avoid the generation of turbulence and separation. The classic example for the Coanda-effect is exactly the spoon in stream that Rod described as Bernoulli's Law. This is important because this behavior holds for all flows limited by smoothly curved surfaces like aerofoils , streamlined obstacles, sails and…..especially…..Boat Hulls! I invite anyone how wants to be educated in this to get an engineering or physics degree or give it a google search and read that thread, not this one for the facts.

Rod Gheraghty, You were mostly wrong in my book when you took arrogant tone with a friend while you were in the process of professing wrongness. Otherwise, I wouldnt be bothering with this post.

…If you need to go over this in detail, please don't hesitate to call me.
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This spoon experiment demonstrates the Bernoulli Principle.

This is what the bottom of a "rounded" riding surface does when you try to turn a boat.

This is what causes a hydro to "nose steer".a tunnel boat to "hook" and a mono to "spin out".

Just very lightly hold the spoon between your fingers and feel how the spoon is drawn into the water stream.

Original post for reference
This spoon experiment demonstrates the Bernoulli Principle.

This is what the bottom of a "rounded" riding surface does when you try to turn a boat.

This is what causes a hydro to "nose steer".a tunnel boat to "hook" and a mono to "spin out".

Just very lightly hold the spoon between your fingers and feel how the spoon is drawn into the water stream.

Original post for reference


Do you have a name? Ever try pissin' up a rope?? What's are the theoretical forces involved in that one? Is is capillary action, Force greater than gravity, absorption principles, or ??? You seem to be an expert in picking the pepper out of the Fly stuff. Rod is trying to convey a concept as it relates to model boats.

Your posts in the middle of the day confuse me... If you'd have posted in the late evening .. I'd understand more clearly.... in the fact that you were likely thinking less clearly..... Posting in the middle of the day leads me to conclude that your are running wide-open.... at capacity.

Your post reinforces the old adage that goes something like this.... "never argue with an idiot, people might not know the difference" You will not get a response.... from a man with his intelligence.....

Rod was right once again...on many levels.... Kill it Boys!

David Jensen

Since I was the sponsor of this thread,I would like to have one of you kill it where it stands.

If somebody wants to start this up again under their sponsorship,be my guest.

If somebody out there has a desire to discuss how to stop boats from doing stupid things,I would be glad to talk to you on the phone.Give me your full name and number and I will be glad to call you.

Rod Geraghty

Some people are the most happy when they are arguing. Right or Wrong does not matter. But the fact is i'm really tired of all the arguing on intlwaters.

Kevin, please refrain from arguing with everyone. It only does 2 things.

1) Ruins our happy community forum

2) Right or wrong, if you argue a lot online it makes you look bad
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