With all due respect, I think your comments about Net Neutrality are mis-leading. I believe what the ruling said is that the current laws regarding net neutrality are likely not enforceable and would not hold up in court. Therefore there will in the short term be no change In the internet as we know it.
While I am not a lawyer, the internet is all about free speech and therefore if anyone tried to do what you talked about, It would be tough to get the Supreme Court to rule against free speech.
Alex Dalenberg wrote an article called 12 people in the Net Neutrality debate. I'm sure anyone could search it out.
When it comes to politics, a lot of people who comment here seem to think a liberal or democrat is as worthless as a bad glow plug. Just so they are warned, of these twelve people in the article, President Obama strongly supports Net Neutrailty and John McCain strongly supports the court ruling.
As with most things, panic is panic, patience is a better course.
I do not think they are misleading at all. But that is my 2 cents. It is not tough when it already was from a appeal. They will have to rewrite the laws as the Justice stated.