The open internet is now gone in the USA!


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Just saw a blurb on C-SPAN titled "Changing Communications Law"

This is more far reaching than just broadband,

They are talking bout rewriting the laws of telecommunication as a whole.

To better the experience for consumers and open business venture.

Whew! Here we go.......


They are talking about the FCC rewriting the rules to be able to allow the net to be neutral and to be able to control the issue at hand and let it stay that way. It seems from what I have gathered they are working overtime to take this back and truthfully they need to do so. The statement when they say a better experience for consumers and open business venture is referencing so small business and the customers buying on line will not get raped by big business and the people trying to cash in on this little stint.
Hopefully something good can come out of it,

I get nervous when big business and a goverment agency sit down to talk bout anything

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With all due respect, I think your comments about Net Neutrality are mis-leading. I believe what the ruling said is that the current laws regarding net neutrality are likely not enforceable and would not hold up in court. Therefore there will in the short term be no change In the internet as we know it.

While I am not a lawyer, the internet is all about free speech and therefore if anyone tried to do what you talked about, It would be tough to get the Supreme Court to rule against free speech.

Alex Dalenberg wrote an article called 12 people in the Net Neutrality debate. I'm sure anyone could search it out.

When it comes to politics, a lot of people who comment here seem to think a liberal or democrat is as worthless as a bad glow plug. Just so they are warned, of these twelve people in the article, President Obama strongly supports Net Neutrailty and John McCain strongly supports the court ruling.

As with most things, panic is panic, patience is a better course.

With all due respect, I think your comments about Net Neutrality are mis-leading. I believe what the ruling said is that the current laws regarding net neutrality are likely not enforceable and would not hold up in court. Therefore there will in the short term be no change In the internet as we know it.

While I am not a lawyer, the internet is all about free speech and therefore if anyone tried to do what you talked about, It would be tough to get the Supreme Court to rule against free speech.

Alex Dalenberg wrote an article called 12 people in the Net Neutrality debate. I'm sure anyone could search it out.

When it comes to politics, a lot of people who comment here seem to think a liberal or democrat is as worthless as a bad glow plug. Just so they are warned, of these twelve people in the article, President Obama strongly supports Net Neutrailty and John McCain strongly supports the court ruling.

As with most things, panic is panic, patience is a better course.

I do not think they are misleading at all. But that is my 2 cents. It is not tough when it already was from a appeal. They will have to rewrite the laws as the Justice stated.

I was trying to be diplomatic when I said mis-leading. Tom said "net neutrality as it was known is gone" then showed a grave marker which most would recognize as a symbol of death. He said it was gone and the picture insinuated it was dead.

In the two articles Tom posted to read, the headlined in the first said net neutrality was threatened. The Blomberg article said as you did in an earlier post that the current laws might make what Tom said was a done deal possible.

When I saw Tom's post, I was shocked that I was unaware that something like this had happened because I spend way too much time reading and listening to news and was surprised I had missed something this important. It didn't take long to find that his post was not quite what it seemed or in my mind misleading.

That's my 2 cents! I used to here the 2 cents thing when I was a kid fifty years ago. With inflation and all that 2 cents is probably more like two bucks. If we pooled our opinions we could probably by a beer!!

I'm getting fed up with all cable company fees. You pay big bucks to get 500 channels. I only watch 3 - 4 channels. The rest are junk. Going back to broadcast/antenna for my local news and will access the internet at work, WiFi hotspots, and 4G network.
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Im try'n out Virgin Overdrive Pro hotspot,

3G open plan, no contract, and less than what I was pay'n for a land line and dialup.

Dang thing is stupid fast too,

This was done by the FCC and is not supposed to be political. Obama put pressure on the FCC to do this and they wrote a 369 page regulation that was put into effect without letting anyone read it first. DOES THIS SOUND FAMILIAR TO ANYONE????????????????
Mr Gladys

The terrible thing that you credit President Obama with was making sure the "little people" were protected. Please don't panic. The republicans have vowed to undue this so that the little people can be hung out to dry.

The stated goal of the legislation is to make sure that EVERYONE has EQUAL access to the internet highway and if any provider abuses that, they will be dealt with.

During the secret process over a million people provided input urging the FCC to keep the internet neutral.

Sorry you are disappointed
Mr Gladys

The terrible thing that you credit President Obama with was making sure the "little people" were protected. Please don't panic. The republicans have vowed to undue this so that the little people can be hung out to dry.

The stated goal of the legislation is to make sure that EVERYONE has EQUAL access to the internet highway and if any provider abuses that, they will be dealt with.

During the secret process over a million people provided input urging the FCC to keep the internet neutral.

Sorry you are disappointed
You think this is a good thing? No one is further to the right than me. Tom is right where everything is going to get more expensive and much slower. To put this into force, is a tragedy to free enterprise. It takes away competition and that just raises prices. You are worried about the little guy? You should because it will cost more. Do you get netflix? Now it will cost more IF cable companies even allow it to stream as fast as it does.Youtube, Twitter, Facebook etc. if you steam videos will cost you more and will be much slower. The FCC is not supposed to be political but OBAMA made it that way with the pressures he put on the commissioner HE appointed. The FCC staff thinks this is dead wrong. This is not something that Congress votes on. It is forced on us and the final plan of 369 pages was not published until after it has been put into effect. Are you in bed with Nancy Pelosi and go along with you can read it after we pass it. A TRAVESTY. Thank you for the respect by calling me MR. but it is GALDYS, not Gladys. I'm not one of her PIPS. Tom
Sean, Who do you think controls WiFi, Broadband, 4G? You got it the FCC. If you get the local channels and watch their news, you have your head in the sand. They are so liberal as are the networks other than Fox you only get news that is spun to make Obama look good. Your local channels can't even get something as simple as the weather right. Look outside, there is 2 feet of snow on the ground and no end in sight. MY 2 CENTS. The EPA and FCC have such far reaching powers it is scary.
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Tom Galdys

Sorry about the name misspelling. I'm guessing the Tom you refer is Tom Morehouse who started this thread. You say no one is further right than you. My guess is Tom would say no one is further wrong than you on this one but I'll let him speak for himself.

As for me, I'll stick to my original statement. Further, I looked out the window and there is no snow on the ground!!

Unfortunatly, Fox is not my sole source of information. Fortunatly, neither are all the other stations which you call liberal. I consider my self an independent thinker. I listen to and read all the spin (and that's what it is) and then form my own opinion. I bet we agree there are too many people on welfare. I bet we disagree there are too many people with guns.

You seem to think things just changed for the worse as far as the internet is concerned because Neil Cavuto says so. I logged on today and it worked the same as always. Whats a person to believe??

I would love to continue but I just pulled my head out of the sand and it a sunny day. I'm gonna go play boats!!
The idea of net neutrality is a very good thing however what the FCC and this administration has done is use net neutrality as another set of smoke and mirrors to say one thing and do something different (like you can keep your health plan/doctor). The internet has now been reclassified a title II utility and will allow the FCC to regulate rates, set terms of internet businesses and significantly increase the costs for start ups. It also gives the federal and state governments new ways to impose taxes and fees on consumer bills and if you think they won't jump on an opportunity for an untapped tax base you are sadly mistaken. Sure it'll probably still work the same but it will become more expensive to get what you already have now. We've seen this all before, take a look at the extra charges on your monthly phone bill that you didn't used to pay (federal subscriber fees, 411 & 911 fees, line user fees, etc, etc, etc.) you will see the same thing occur with your internet providers. Be careful what you wish for when you have a government you cannot trust...........

Last time I questioned what you said, the administrators locked up the thread so I'm speechless except to say that I'm sorry about your doctor issues. I have all my same doctors and my rate went down $31 per month.

Did I just hear a padlock click shut?