With our club's January Fun Run scheduled for Saturday canceled because ice is covering the lake, I decided to do some prop testing at another location in our community. The temp was 37/38F. There was no wind and the water was absolutely flat.
The first run was with a Grim 40X53/3 blade. The straightaway speed was good, but the boat tended to hop slightly in WOT corners.
Next prop was a Props-4-U X442 V-cut with 40.68 mm diameter, 3.46" of T.E. cup, and 2.76" of C.O.B. pitch. The boat seemed a bit faster with better cornering characteristics.
The third prop was a stock Grim 40X53 2 blade. The performance and cornering appeared the same as the Props-4-U X442.
The last prop, by now my fingers were getting cold, was a sharpened/balanced X640. The speed was comparable to the other 2 bladed props but there seemed to be a little bit bounce in the corners.
I'm now to the point where I'll need to use our club's radar gun to determine the top end speeds of various props.