The Evil Twin 90 SGX


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Ok guys after a lot of working with the under slung struts I have finally changed them to transom mounted. They are a little larger than the older ones work better in the sense that they dont come loose and I dont have to put a lot of angle in them Im at 2deg instead of 4 still have the props unloading with the skis though.


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Finally after a lot of work I finally got over the 100mph mark that I've been trying to achieve.



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Charlie, I did as you have done on my single 90 to the strut and sponsons and was wondering how far I would have to go on my twin , I do run round struts and do have a set of flats but to me a bit more angle wont hurt as easier to take hop out with less angle than with flat struts , when i tried the 2821 on my 90 it hopped badly so went back to the 2819 an added some angle an that works much better an faster than the 2821 an she has a rounded strut ,don`t ask me what angle but it was near -5 deg , my twin is a bit different as I run different rear sponsons than the original design so I will play around a bit on Sunday an see what works best , thanks for a bit of a heads up cheers Ace
So you have the fat shoes like Arons we changed his to the flat struts we should have this going this summer as soon as he comes over to work on it . Im thinking you are also running 90evos and Im running 101s. Im thinking the larger displays meant is also a factor how does your 90s launch with thoughts larger props? Ive only seen the guys with 101s running them and I was the only one running them at the winter Championships most every one was running the 2819s or2817s and Mark Bullard was cutting or rounding the tips off of them and his twin was booking with the 91Novas. Something else pull the tips over on the 2819s you should be at a 100+mph Andy told me that the Evo 90s are fast than the 101s the 2821s are probably to much pitch they also prop walk pretty bad if you hammer the gas on launch I cut 5 Bouise launching under pressure. The only props that make my boat hop was the 2167 3bladed props until I straightened out the struts or my struts come loose.
I think its time for you to Go To a time trials. You will see what your boat actually runs compared to your GPS speeds.
Do you need 2* on the struts to keep it from flying? Looks pretty pinned down to me...
Hey Terry that was at -3 in the video. I tried a few combinations and ended up at-2 outside and -1 1/2 inside and the rear of the sponsons raised up. I didn’t get a chance to get a video that day just the pics of the radio GPS .

Looks good on the water. You are going to find some faster boats

in Florida this year. It seems like quite a few more twin pilots are out 

testing more propellers than in the past.

Good Luck And Enjoy The Sunshine,

Mark Sholund
Holy smoke fastest !!! Will beat to RoadRunner  and Crapshoots at Florida on Jan   Thumb up !!  Good luck ! 
Thanks Allan you can see if I put the hammer down it moves out lol the pipes are still pretty long at a 11 1/4 “ starting to get a better handle on the new struts  and it’s really looking better than last January championships .  Ya still have to  survive all of the heats  a lot of great drives and super fast boats.

Looks good on the water. You are going to find some faster boats

in Florida this year. It seems like quite a few more twin pilots are out 

testing more propellers than in the past.

Good Luck And Enjoy The Sunshine,

Mark Sholund
Mark faster than over a 100 hope so we’re all Raising the bar it’s time for it I think.  
Well thanks young man can’t wait to race again. The earthquake has really slowed things down all’s good.
Hope your damage was limited from the quake.  I feel like Anchorage dodged a major bullet as if it had shook much longer or with a greater magnitude I think we would have had massive devastation.
The "Stab & Dab" is clear. 6 boat heat and the water will not allow you to make a lap on the Hammer.

Find a prop that will allow you to Race.... 28 twins show up......Whole Different Ball Game from this Vid. ;) ;)
The "Stab & Dab" is clear. 6 boat heat and the water will not allow you to make a lap on the Hammer.

Find a prop that will allow you to Race.... 28 twins show up......Whole Different Ball Game from this Vid. ;) ;)

 Tap the picture for Ian’s movie

Race day is a different ballgame Chucky!!!

Oh by the way your  Avatar picture says a lot fly boy lol:)

I asked this last year you coming racing or you going to sit in back of your computer and it’s 30 racers in the twin class. Have a nice flight 
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The Avatar picture is of the "Cannibal"  1667's

Have a Whole new set-up in my boat, New props, New motors, New pipes, a ton of unknows.

None of which I want to find out about at a race with 30 impulsive drivers holding on to 85mph weapon's.

I know what I have seen of Everyone running the No lift Abc props.

I will test what I have, Should it answer the question that "I " have it will get to a race.

If it doesn't I will keep testing.

FYI..Did the degree and a few more changes....

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