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I hate when people grab a dictionary, pick and choose certain words of a definition and try to make an argument.

I've got pictures of boats on the water fresh out of the paint booth with no sponsor or U-#. Can I make an argument he was "Racing" against the clock and deem it legal :p
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I hate when people grab a dictionary, pick and choose certain words of a definition and try to make an argument.

I've got pictures of boats on the water fresh out of the paint booth with no sponsor or U-#. Can I make an argument he was "Racing" against the clock and deem it legal :p
Ya gotta LOVE ole Rod speaks his mind and makes us think no matter what the subject. Nats will be close this time and you better be here wiith bells on in thirsty. Oh and bring me that d#$% boat i want to race THE BOAT<the one you have.....Mikey
Hey Glenn...on a side note thanks for coming up to the NW Champs this past weekend. It was great to see your participation. I'm always a sucker to see the PNP run well.

David Jensen :)
I hate when people grab a dictionary, pick and choose certain words of a definition and try to make an argument.

I've got pictures of boats on the water fresh out of the paint booth with no sponsor or U-#. Can I make an argument he was "Racing" against the clock and deem it legal :p

Sure....go ahead and give it a shot....See if you can make it stick. :p
Geraghty doesn't just speak his mind. He states facts and tells it like it actually is. No opinions, translations, interpretations or points of view. Rod never takes sides or posts on anything he doesn't totally understand or believe in. He's a modern day model boating GOD as far as I'm concerned. More should listen to what he has to say. I've learned more from this man about the hobby than any other. I wish I had half the understanding and technical experience that he does. If I could only get my point accross as well as he can. Oh well....

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He's a modern day model boating GOD as far as I'm concerned.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

"I hope I didn't offend your boating God"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hey Glenn...on a side note thanks for coming up to the NW Champs this past weekend. It was great to see your participation. I'm always a sucker to see the PNP run well.

David Jensen :)
Hi David,

Thanks.....after following the racing on the RCU and UNW websites the last few years it was fun to finally go up to meet and race with you guys. A few more guys down here expressed interest in making some of your races next year. Who knows, maybe someday you'll have an all CA main ;) j/k A lot of fast boats up there!


Well, I guess I'm done on this thread. I sent Rod a PM regarding the Winston, and now you're flexing your muscle! An all CA final in the NW is a ways off. I'll show some respect and not post our race results. Suffice it to say I had 1900 points after 5 rounds. What was your point count???


Seriously, this is all in fun. I really appreciate the effort you put forth to "come North". I will enjoy talkng with you in the future. Email my "public" email at: [email protected]

To get back to the thread, I remember Jim A running the "Boat" in the mid-80's in the NW. As a RACER, I welcomed the challenge. It never occured to me that I should "challenge" the scale of his boat without tailfeathers. I respected his integrity. Even though he had a FAST boat, I have always lived by the philosophy that a win is not a win without integrity. If you want to push a gray area, bring it on! 2oz of paint to make that hull the Coors would not matter... let's get real guys. I beleive if you spent as much time on your hull as you do complaining, it would not be an issue. Just my thoughts.

David Jensen
David, I was glad at least Glenn made it up there. Marty invited any of us from D9 to come up. I had plans to but once again work got in the way and my Exide got hit just before the UNW race. I'm making plans to try and get a few of us together, load the boats in my trailer and road trip it up there next year. We trade calls and e-mails with a lot of you up there and hopefully we can have a few trips your way and maybe a few of you can come down here once in a while. The Grand Prix Classic is in Feb if any of you ever get the urge to come visit that is a prime opportunity. Even though my term as District Director doesn't begin until November 1 I'd lke to extend an invite any of you up north to come race with us.

Maybe I can build "The BOAT" in time for that race......
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David, I was glad at least Glenn made it up there. Marty invited any of us from D9 to come up. I had plans to but once again work got in the way and my Exide got hit just before the UNW race. I'm making plans to try and get a few of us together, load the boats in my trailer and road trip it up there next year. We trade calls and e-mails with a lot of you up there and hopefully we can have a few trips your way and maybe a few of you can come down here once in a while. The Grand Prix Classic is in Feb if any of you ever get the urge to come visit that is a prime opportunity. Even though my term as District Director doesn't begin until November 1 I'd lke to extend an invite any of you up north to come race with us.

Maybe I can build "The BOAT" in time for that race......


Maybe we should start another thread to promote a joint race? I did have an opinion on this one, and that is why I commented. But, I would love to talk to ALL you scale guys about a "central" race. I thrive on competition, and I love meeting with like minded individuals from all areas. Marty and Al have given their best to promote & run this NW Champs event, and done an awesome job! Thanks Al & Marty! If you guys could do a road trip next year, that would be awesome!

I would be willing to coordinate a "road trip" from our end if you could provide a schedule and the race that draws the maximum # of competitors or otherwise would be best for you. Right now, many of us are completing hulls that are 1/2 finished over the off-season, re-furbishing, or re-outfitting our "old" stuff & new purchases. February may be tough. Personally, I just sold the Hull that I ran at the NW Champs, and am going back to do some repair/upgrade on my Pak as well as prepare a Circus-Circus Canard. Please feel free to contact me at: [email protected]

Maybe I could get Jeff with his Gentlemens club and Kyle with "The Boat" to make an appearance as well. His has tail-feathers though, so I'm not sure it would stir the stuff....enough.

Best Always,

David Jensen :lol:
Al Waters sent me that pic while this thread was heating up and it made me chuckle. I think he said that is Jeff Snell's boat.

I remember seeing Jim's boat run at the 88' (87?) NAMBA Nats. Don't remember how he finished but he was fast! One of the guys down here still talks about seeing his scale run with a nitrous system installed.

As for a scale race in our area like Mike said it's the "Grand Prix Classic". Some of the tunnel guys from WA always come down and as long as there's no scheduling conflict a lot of the SoCal boys from D-19 come up which makes for some good racing.

Last year I brought up trying to get a West Coast Scale Championship series going consisting of three races....The "Grand Prix Classic" in NorCal, "The Muncey" SoCal and finish with the NW Championship race but it garnered no interest.

Glenn... Gods don't get offended. They get even.
SOMEBODY GOT EVEN!! Some vandels went crazy here earlier this week. They tried to steal my work van and broke a window in my car. My alarm went off and nothing was stolen. After seeing my neighbors car and reading the local paper of at least 7 other cars being broken into at a condo complex down the road I guess I was lucky.

Hey Ron J, were you in on this :eek:

As for "The Boat" just having some fun on a subject that never seems to die :D
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I doubt this is the work of a "boating god" and definately not myself. Sounds more like the work of some local kids looking for cigarette money. Boating gods do stuff like send your prop and shaft to the bottom of the lake. Or split your connecting rod in half right when you hit the highest rpm you've ever heard from your best motor. However, this could be a brotherly god just sending a warning. I'd suggest you keep your boats in the garage and refer to Rod as Mr. Geraghty for a bit. I doubt any of this will help but I know Rod enjoys a good laugh every now and again. He'll appreciate the humor. :unsure:
