Well if you can find a picture of it running on the water with a full canard on it you could build it that way according the NAMBA rule book. There used to be wording in the NAMBA rule book similar to the IMBPA rules about it being a verified sanctioned race either testing or qualifying but that has been changed apparently since my tenure as NAMBA Scale Chairman. I do remember dealing with an issue with this boat that involved the rear wing. The canard and winglets came up too. It was determined that the boat had to run WITH a rear wing since it originally started the race with one and they broke two of them through out the course of the race. Running without a wing was not an option as it was not done intentionally by the Bud team. Second, the canard wing was not legal to run as it was not seen as running with it on from any of the race footage. This was later confirmed in some emails I traded with Mark Evans as he was the one driving the boat the only time it ran. As for whether it qualified or ran in San Diego, it did not. In San Diego in 1995 Chip was driving the T3 in which he had a weird accident and broke the sponson off the boat and rolled it.