Still Scratchbuilding??


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Greg, never said you had to convince me of anything. Your comments about not using West Systems and the possible chemical differences in the various brands of epoxies might be part of why you have had so much success. Either way, I'm not knocking the results as the Qatar came out fantastic.

Not being a painter, if the website is correct about some epoxies water resistance and/or strength being degraded due to thinning, could the paint and clear coat be a factor in how long a boat holds up? I need all the information and help I can get with a couple of boats just about to go to the paint shop

I wouldn't think the paint and clear would add much in the way of durability to anything. Actually it's been my experience that they are the weak points of the whole system. problem with paint and clear is always getting them to stick to the project and stick to each other! compatability is always an issue with paint. I'm not a painter either.............I do the best I know how and go race. I do know that waiting too long between color and two stage clear will not let the clear bite into the color and will essentially just lay there and not stick causing the clear in time to de-laminate.

my latest boats have Sikkens two stage clear which seems to be more flexible. I've used PPG for years and in time seems to get brittle. The Sikkens seemed to flow better too.

Epoxy adds strength but actually it's not an adhesive (glue). We modelers use it as an adhesive, but Epoxy is actually a finish product not an adhesive so it's mechanical bonding strength is in question anyway because that's not its intended purpose. Maybe my three thin coats makes up for the difference? don't know, I just know I've not had a problem. Another thing to know about epoxy is that it never stops curing and shrinking.

Any thinning agent is meant only to make the product easer to apply then in time leaves the base in it's original state just like paint thinner. If the thinner doesn't leave the base, then the base will not cure or dry.

hope this helps.

Hey Greg,

My Friends will tell you that I build very quickly and generally my hulls sit around the shop for years until I get the urge to start putting on glass cloth, sealing, priming and painting. I built two 8255 WOF hulls in 2006, one went to my Friend Rick, he finished his (Coors Light) and started racing it in 2007 -

I believe. Mine sat around with glass cloth forward, and rear simply sealed until I finished it - in a push to get ready for the 2012 IMPBA Internats in Charleston, which we ended up not going to. This hull ultimately became my 1983 U-40 Miss Houston. It's first race should be 2013 Spring Nationals - God willing, and the creeks don't rise.

I'm thinking - - - using your technique , I can cut my finishing time way down, reduce construction costs, make sand paper available for others, ease the strain on old hands and elbows from grinding on full strength epoxy, and make the finishing ordeal (for Me) much more simple and timely.

5 year old Scale boat - PPPShaw!!! My Oberto is 11 years old, my original U-4, now owned by Rick, is 21 years old. Old??? Well made Scale boats never die - - They simply find new owners. CHEERS !!! Bob
beautiful boats my man! up here we're hoping the creeks do rise!!! I'm putting on a first off race in July and the pond is still a couple feet low on water!!

yes my way cuts down on sanding, but unfortunately doesn't eliminate it....................

yea, old scale boats become office ornaments and trailer queens or me!..............hard to let em go

good luck

Thanks Greg, that was the kind of information I was looking for. Now I just need to get my graphics and finish up some final details on a couple of hulls and it's off to the paint shop :)
Hey Everyone, I'm not sure these are scratch built, but the bench is crowded with wood builds in my shop. The roundnose is a 1/12 Miss K+ kit I'm building as the Redman and the pickleforked boat is a new prototype 1/12 kit modeled after the AVL I'm assembling for Doug Campbell.

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Wood is Good, but sanding sucks!

Well it has taken almost a year, but I finally have Doug's boat assembled. Tanner, my quality inspector, approves. haha. One down, one to go. Now I can focus what little free time I have on getting my Redman done.

Greg you and i share the same love of scratch building. I Love you little AMA video... I have been scratch building for 23 years. 15 boats finished ...This year however is the first year i am going racing with a fiberglass Phil Thomas scale! I have plans how ever to build a T-6. so we'll Talk....

Big Al
Greg you and i share the same love of scratch building. I Love you little AMA video... I have been scratch building for 23 years. 15 boats finished ...This year however is the first year i am going racing with a fiberglass Phil Thomas scale! I have plans how ever to build a T-6. so we'll Talk....

Big Al
yes Al we'll have to talk, scratching is the way to go if you have the tools and patients. you can make mods and adjustments as you go to get the detail and outline where you want it. I originally started scratchbuilding because I couldn't afford kits and then sort of got used to it and actually enjoyed it more. I did build a couple of kits a while back but I was so used to going to the band saw for parts that when I finished the project the box was still half full of parts............

good luck with your PT I have one leaning in a corner with several years of dust on of these days maybe?

be safe

First of all I want to thank you Mr. Greg Hahn, your building thread is a true inspiration for me.

My further thanks to Tony Minalia of who has helped me with numerous detailed images of the original boat. He always has an answer to my many questions, thank you again for that.

Wood is good, I can only agree.

Here are some pictures of my shop and my current building of the U-17, 2007.

Basis for my building is a 1/10 frameset of the T-6 from Mike. I hate my jigsaw and cut of ribs. Mike does a wonderful job and his Laserkits are simply unbeatable.

I hope you enjoy it.



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