Starting idle opening on a 257 carb?


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I like to use the outside (high) needle as a guide. I set the tip of the carb arm a little bit to the left of that needle. It is kind of trial and error but that is a good starting point for me.
Also, I have also been told that you don't want to get off the throttle too quickly at lower speeds because the gas motors are prone to dying. So, is it wise to slow down the servo speed in that direction as a preventative measure?
Also, I have also been told that you don't want to get off the throttle too quickly at lower speeds because the gas motors are prone to dying. So, is it wise to slow down the servo speed in that direction as a preventative measure?
Not true at all. On and off throttle as fast as you can should never cause the properly tuned gas engine to die. Zero truth to that.

A very small crack is all it takes to idle. Close it tight and just a couple clicks of trim from there.
Not sure what Dave meant by the 1/4" but it takes nothing like a 1/4" of anything from closed to idle opening. Guessing he meant end of carb arm, pushrod or something but it is a bit less than that for sure. Closed and then barely cracked is where it will idle at. Screw idle screw back in it. Like 1/2 turn max after contact would be a good start to judge a idle spot with butterfly. Maybe he meant a quarter turn of a idle screw. ???
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Set it with a hair more than cracked with trim in the middle and you should have plenty of trim to idle it where you want.
I don’t even utilize the idle screw… set it with the trim on the servo,,, remember it has to be able to be shut off by the radio.. pull the trigger to go,, push forward to cut the engine off… simple.