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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2002
For my Twister rigger I needed a custom size tank. Last year I built one out of epoxy, but that didn't last on the seams.

Now I decided I would built one out of Stainless steel. I used the design of Niklas Edlund freebie and watched Grimracer on Metime.

Here is the result, although not as good looking as one from Walt, it will do it's job :D






Rest can be found in my gallery

Grim & Niklas thanks for the help!
Looks just fine sitting in the rig!!!! Nice work, I hope to try building some parts of my boats this year!!! Best part is knowing you did it and didn't have to pay much other then time for it!!! What size stainless did you use??
thanks for the kind words.

I've used 0,2mm (about 0,08") stainless. It was pretty hard to find in the Netherlands, at first i could only find 0,5mm which is way too thick and heavy. Don't know what the best place is to get it in the US.

As for bending brake, looks about the same as I've been using. It worked ok, but I put in 2 extra bolts (one on each side) to secure the top metal bar better instead of only using clamps, it prevents the sliding of the bar when you try to bend the metal.
What silver solder did you use? .08" stainless sounds kind of thick also, well that tank will hold up to boat abuse I guess. Good job I'd say.
Paul, I think that he was speaking metric. ,08mm comes out to a little less than .010.

Very nice build.

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Well he did say "I've used 0.2mm (about 0.08") stainless" that is why I asked about the thickness. I would agree 0.01" sounds more like the size to use. Not sure I want to even go the stainless route!
Nice job! :)

Been using 0.008" "fully annealed" 304-306 for years, get it at a shim place.
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Same here, it was used as shims for big machinery. I could buy it on roll of about 6" wide and about 78" long or 4 plates of 6" by 20". I bought the last one. In this picture you can see a new sheet:

Going to test it this sunday.