sport21 prop reccomendations


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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2003
Looking for recommendations for my new ML310..

probably a 5port,.. ab parobolic pipe and 65% nitro.. Going to run a flat bottom strut... thinking 1445 with a bit more pitch?
That may be a bit big for that engine, especially if it's brand new. A 440/1440 or 442/1442 might be a better choise for the first few runs and move up from there
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Looking for recommendations for my new ML310..

probably a 5port,.. ab parobolic pipe and 65% nitro.. Going to run a flat bottom strut... thinking 1445 with a bit more pitch?
1445 is probably a little large to begin with, put some pitch in it and good luck getting any rpms. I'd aim in the 40-42mm range, you're going to need some rpms if you want to go anywhere fast.

The T-101 is a very good set up for a Sport 21 boat, but I am trying to

see if Ernie will let us use the mold again. I run one on a 12 Hydro also.

Shovel tip propeller that is plenty fast with some offset in the pitches.

Otherwise X-442 Lynx-Cut. Pitch will depend on set up and motor and

pipe combination.

Good Luck,
