sport 40 servos


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Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2005
O.K. Guys, Building my first sport 40. I have some servos that Would probably work. Futaba s9405, s3010, s3305, Hitek 645 mg for steering and Hitek 225 mg and Hobbico HS 12 mg for throttle. Like to hear your opinions.


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I'm using 3305s in both Sport 40s and scales with either a mini servo(don't recall the number right off hand) or a 148 for the throttle. Since my R/C gear is all Futaba, I liketo stay consistant
I'm using 3305s in both Sport 40s and scales with either a mini servo(don't recall the number right off hand) or a 148 for the throttle. Since my R/C gear is all Futaba, I liketo stay consistant
Thanks HJ, Consistant is good. I do prefer the Futaba over the Hitek but really haven't had problems with either.

3305s on both.. I dont use a 3rd.

Truth is just about any some what stout gear train servo of around 50+ INOZ will do the job on a sport 40.. the fin does so much more work then the rudder on a full body boat.

HI Glenn, The hitec 645mg has about 107 oz torq the 3305 has 99oz torq. I have been using the 645mg for the metal gear train. I have used the 85mg for throttle and mix controls.

Get that 40 roundnose done. I need to see some pictures of it.

personaly I will never use a Hitec EVER again, I lost all faith during the winternat's at CRCRC raceway in Columbus during the 4WD A main, sitting at the start in 3rd and just before the start my servo went south back in 2002 wheel's went left and got a DNS never again, I use JR's Airtronic's and Futaba's ONLY. period
HI Glenn, The hitec 645mg has about 107 oz torq the 3305 has 99oz torq. I have been using the 645mg for the metal gear train. I have used the 85mg for throttle and mix controls.

Get that 40 roundnose done. I need to see some pictures of it.

Thanks Phil and R.J., I had to take a few weeks off from the boat to get new flooring in the dining room/kitchen. Steve Wood has the motor so I can't drill the mounts yet. Got it drilled for the strut and rudder and the fwd. bulkhead opened up for the fuel lines. Found enough carbon fibre angle to make up the servo trays and some 7/64" tool steel for the pushrods. Just noticed I'll need a L.H. horn or arm for the rudder. Should have some pics in a few weeks Phil.


Just noticed I'll need a L.H. horn or arm for the rudder.

With the Speedmaster rudder you can flip over the rudder arm and redrill the holes for a ldfthand rudder setup.
I thought about doing that when I started redoing my Muck hull. Finally said to heck with it and bought a left side one instead. Now I get to order more parts and probably replace the transom. Guess that's what I get for reworking a used boat.

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