Douglas P Shepherd
Lets Check to Angle of attack. Get a a 24 inch Level or something that you can use the is true from one end to the other. Turn the hull upside down and take you level and place it on the back edge of the left riding pad. Take the other end and center line of shaft line around the center of were you prop hub would be.. The left side needs more angle than the right side so We are looking for about 4.5 to 5.o deg. So go 3.0 inches from the back of the pad forward and take a measurement, There is .017 pure deg in one inch so .017 x 4.5 deg = .0765 x 3.0 inches forward =.229 .So at the 3.0 inch mark we are looking for a number around a 1/4 of a inch. If it is less than that you have found your problem Do the same on the Rt side should be around 4.0 to 4.5 use same math Good luck Doug Shepherd
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