Sport 40 in District 3


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just got my whiplash today, hopefully by our next district 3 race I will be ready to run sport 40......
You have a month to get it ready hopefully you do not have alot to do great job in Riverview Jeremy Robert
Thanks Robert,

Sport 40 will be added to the District 3 Broward Race,

Which will be up for entry by thursday this week...
Hopefully it will be at that lake from what i am told there is only one peron in that club and Fred cant help now he lives in Port St. Lucie and Jerry is busy we will see Robert
Robert I was told the race will happen, and that help will be there. I am positive that the race will go on.
Oh i am sure it will but wasnt sure if it be there or palm beach i am looking forward to getting back at it been to long
Knocking the dust off mine as we speak- just gotta reconfigure the engine mount and off we go-

Oh yeah, gotta be able to pay for the parts too -_-

Fricking kid gets to run a Whip- not right, I say we make him run an old school AeroMarine to level the field -

I cant afford a Blazer boat ;)
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I have and Aeromarine sport 40 setup and ready for breakin.Just need someone to run with, and a place to run.
Ken , just get with Gene, Otto or Tommy, they normally run Sat's and some Wednesdays .
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Its the next project on the table Robert- I got it and the motor and pipe out at least -_-
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