Snow Storm


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Ray Sametz

Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Nov 22, 2003
Everyone in D-12 and surrounding area stay safe and hopefully off the roads. Gonna be a lot of no driving @#$%^ out there. ==={}
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Yup, 24"+ of snow forecast for me with 35-45 mph winds tomorrow. Perfect for a whiteout, be a fool to drive in it.......but I do have the best $100(yes, $100!) I ever spent ready to keep my 1/2 mile of driveway open (-;

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Robin, sorry I missed you when I was up in Buckhannon. Glad we left when we did, we saw 2" not 24" like they are calling for. Stay warm. Henry
Yup, 24"+ of snow forecast for me with 35-45 mph winds tomorrow. Perfect for a whiteout, be a fool to drive in it.......but I do have the best $100(yes, $100!) I ever spent ready to keep my 1/2 mile of driveway open (-;
I can see ya now - frozen beard, dogs chasin ya and laughing the whole way

Keep warm old man , momma says hey

Here , fixed it for ya .

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Drew, it's right side up, but you must have used tinypic - it shrunk LOL! 27" here so far when I went out to plow an hour ago. Weather service says 12"-14" more today. My "Little Mule" is staying ahead of it so far, just gotta plow every hour or two. It is just a small 4 cyl. Mitsubishi 4wd........

Ray, I pray the high water, flooding & forced evacuations aren't affecting you. You be safe too, my friend (-;
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Got 18"+ here in central MD. 35mph winds it's a whiteout right now. Going to wait until tonight to venture outside . Guess I should be in the shop sanding some cowls for repainting. Stay safe everyone the power may go out later today.
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I haven't stuck a yard stick in the snow, yet. Here's a couple pics. In the second pic, the small dark line in the lump on the left is the raised rear wiper arm on the wife's 2002 Subaru Forester!!

OK, just stuck a yardstick in the snow. It disappeared!! Not by much, 37" maybe just a little more - so far - it's still snowing.


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Here in spots you can see the grass, others 2 feet deep. Hit it at first light tomorrow, go out the back door, only way out and shovel my way to the front. I'll be rocking the snowblower.

Jersey snow.jpg
Lovely picture, Ray! Still snowing and blowing outside. The weather people says it should stop around 10PM tonight. Got a lot of shoveling to do tomorrow to get the truck out to the road ( not that I'm going anywhere ).
Just so you know, we're getting it on the west coast too. WASDOT has shut down I-90 over the Cascades due to unstable snow and avalanches. Where I am, down in the Puget Sound basin, it's been raining for a couple days. If it was any colder, we'd be in the same conditions as you in the east. Stay safe and warm
Just finished digging out, 27 inches started 7 am. 3 Advil and a nap on the menu. Seventy on Christmas and the second largest snowfall ever in NYC, God has a sense of humor.
Went out this morning and dug the truck out. Went to move it towards the road and only got 15 feet before it didn't want to move anymore. I said fu#k it. Let it sit 'til the sh&t melts. Must be 12-14 inches of snow out there. I'm not going to shovel snow and "vapor lock" in the driveway. Not my idea of the way I want to go away from here. I need to be in the shop making turn fins anyway.

Dick Tyndall
There is a cure for both your woes RRRay and Dick , its called Florida - but we are presently full, leave your application with the guy at the border
I'm not so sure about that, Andy. Wife and I went to Disney World for the holidays a few years back and, starting at Sunset, it got DAMN COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We were even cold with heavy jackets and gloves so it wasn't that we weren't prepared for it either
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Finally got dug out from the blizzard. We ended up with 28 inches here and it took us 4 hours to shovel out the deck,roof,driveway and sidewalk,and my in laws too. Took 2 Advil and a hot pain yet. Hope all in D12 is ok
Did great, went to the store today! Just have to keep up with it, don't let it build up too much, it's not a "big" truck. Ended up plowing 6 times, 3 times between 6am Sat & 11 am Sat., that's when we got most of the snow. BTW Marty, 2 down, 1 to go (-;