Silent Engines


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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2003
A friend of mine, as he has been for many of us, and a long time boater recently suffered the loss of his new granddaughter. We don't know why these things happen at times because there is no apparent reason. We can only be supportive of the ones close to us.

I want him to know that we are thinking of him and his family during this time and that we wish them the strength to prevail through this tragedy.

My deepiest sympathies to Oscar.
You and your family have our deepest Sympathies as well

Sorry to hear this, and thanks for sheding light to this sad thing Preston.

So sorry for your loss Oscar. Peace be with your Granddaughter and with your


Bob,Karen Morton
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We wish Oscar & his family all the strength & courage to cope with such a tragic loss. :(
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May peace, blessings,and the Holy Spirit be with you and your family Oscar at this time of your loss. With deepest sympathy, Charles&Sheila Jones