Should Intlwaters Make A Gas Boat Forum?


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Should we add a Gas boats forum?

  • Yes I would like a Gas boats forum

    Votes: 91 78.4%
  • No I would not like a Gas boats forum

    Votes: 25 21.6%

  • Total voters
I don't see the need to create a separate forum, if you have a question or build post in the appropriate forum whether it be gas nitro or electric.

Seems pretty simple to me?
Its like this...... we have a general forum that everyone assumes is nitro and we have an electric forum. But nothing specifically for gas. But I dont like dead forums. I dont want it to sit empty.
Right now I personally approve every new member manually to keep out undesireables. I could open it up for a couple days to make it easy for a jrcbd member to join. They will still need to use a real name.
Uncle Phil just posted this question on Facebook about 45 minutes ago. The problem though is for those that aren't Current;ly members here, you might be getting an onslaught of new member requests.

Right now you've got Sam and I volunteering.
Uncle Phil just posted this question on Facebook about 45 minutes ago. The problem though is for those that aren't Current;ly members here, you might be getting an onslaught of new member requests.

Right now you've got Sam and I volunteering.
Yep. I'm on here on the time. I think this site is great and keeps the drama to a minimum. Yes there are intense discussions but it's a great website.
Its gonna open the door to re-educate alot of people that choose to join in as new members to the way we do things here-

But as stated before, - It never was intended to be a nitro only site-

The only way to grow is to embrace change.

Try it- if it fails- the worst said is - We tried

I believe that would be the best of both worlds, all the great people from IW, And A Gas forum together.
it is done.... I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everything goes well. thanks for everyones input.
PM me Tom... . Don't cross your fingers. Make a business decision from the best information you can get (and not just hours worth), that is in the best interest of the majority of your passion/audience, after all it is your forum. I personally don't know if that's Nitro, Electric or Gas. I do know they are all boats, but I have some input on how this has worked out in the last 2-3 years in our area, with regard to Gas, Nitro, and Electric. Don't be fooled into thinking your kindness can't be turned around (and potentially away from your passion) with numbers. But then again, at that point, maybe that will be your passion too.

