Sealing boat


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Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2005
Hey guys, I'm about finished with my Blizzard X rigger (nitro conversion) and I want to keep the wood look and not paint this one. I'm actually thinking about taking a stain marker and drawing on flames then sealing over that when the stain is good and dry. What is normally used to seal up and coat the wood to make it water tight ???


I use West System Epoxy to seal the wood. Put it on, wait a little bit so it soaks in, then wipe it off with a credit card. Lightly sand the boat after the glue dries, making sure you don't go into the bare wood. Once that is done, I use an automotive clear for the glass finish.

Use a playing card then. I've tried the paper towel trick to wipe off the excess, it works!

I don't know how the stain marker would work, try it on some scrap first as it might bleed.
Perhaps this may catch on...if you're any bit artistic !!! Took out the good ol' art markers and started sketching up the Blizzard design - looks wicked. I tested this on the same type of wood the hull is made of and sealed it w/ expoxy to check for bleeding, none whatsoever !!!!!!! Probably looks kinda dull now but when it's sealed and cleared it's gonna shine really perdy :D Put some pics of the progress in my album, check 'em out ! Few more days and the hull will be all glued and drilled and ready to seal. Not bad for my first rigger build :blink:
Nitro, just saw your pictures, looks very nice. Couls you tell me exactly what markers you used? Brand name would help so that I can search for them over here.

The markers are PRISMACOLOR, made or distributed by SANFORD I believe, friend gave them to me from a set, might be able to find them seperate... and of course it's not a perfect even color throughout the design, as you can imagine w/ marker there are some darker spots and lighter spots after you color in but I like that effect, more raw looking but very cool, goes along w/ the wood - bit more natural looking. To outline the flames I used a good ol' "extra fine point" Sharpie Permanent Marker, careful w/ these because they do bleed into the wood some if you color too much in one spot, i didn't have any probs cuzz I sketch really quick - been at it for years !!!

Nitro, just saw your pictures, looks very nice. Couls you tell me exactly what markers you used? Brand name would help so that I can search for them over here.

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A friend of mine told me he is just sealing his boats with regular urethane clear, thinned out a little bit more than normal. I tried it on my last rigger, it worked great, and it was WAY cheaper and WAY cleaner than epoxy.